Use the metronome in Logic Pro for Mac
Logic Pro for Mac includes a metronome, which plays a steady beat (like a “click track”) to help you play and record in time. You can turn the metronome on or off when you’re recording, or any time your project is playing. The metronome always plays at the project tempo. This means that if a tempo map has been created by Smart Tempo, the metronome automatically follows it. It also means that if Smart Tempo is automatically adapting the project tempo to the performance being recorded, the timing of the metronome adapts along with it. For more information about Smart Tempo, see Smart Tempo overview.
The included metronome uses a dedicated software instrument named Klopfgeist to generate clicks. You have the option of using any audio or MIDI instrument to generate metronome clicks. You can also access a pop-up menu to set if you want the metronome to play during playback, recording, or both.
You can also set the metronome to play a “count-in” for a specific number of bars or beats before recording starts.
Important: When you record audio using a microphone and have the metronome playing, you should use headphones to avoid including the sound of the metronome in your recording.