Record to multiple audio tracks in Logic Pro for Mac
You can record to more than one audio track at a time, allowing you to record several instruments at once—placing each instrument on a separate track, for example. You can also choose not to use take folders, and to record multiple audio versions to new tracks.
To record multiple input sources simultaneously, you need an audio interface that has multiple inputs. See Using audio devices.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose Record > Overlapping Audio Recordings > Cycle > Create Tracks and Mute.
Choose Logic Pro > Settings > Recording, then choose Create Tracks and Mute from the Overlapping Track Recordings “Cycle On” pop-up menu.
Control-click the Record button in the control bar, choose Recording Settings from the shortcut menu, then choose Create Tracks and Mute from the Overlapping Track Recordings “Cycle On” pop-up menu.
Set the instrument or microphone input source for each track you want to record to. To record multiple sources onto multiple tracks, set the input source for each track to a different input.
Click the Record Enable button in the track header of each track you want to record to. Each clicked Record Enable button blinks red to indicate that the track is ready for recording.
Note: You must have the Record Enable button visible in the track headers to record to multiple audio tracks.
Move the playhead to the point in the ruler where you want to start recording.
Click the Record button in the control bar (or press R) to start recording.
Everyone being recorded can start singing or playing their instruments.
A new audio region appears on each of the record-enabled tracks.
Click the Stop button in the control bar (or press the Space bar) to stop recording.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose Record > Overlapping Audio Recordings > Cycle > Create New Track.
Choose File > Project Settings > Recording, then choose Cycle > Create Tracks from the Overlapping Recordings: Audio pop-up menu.
Control-click the Record button in the control bar, choose Recording Settings from the shortcut menu, then choose Cycle > Create New Folder from the Overlapping Audio Recordings pop-up menu.
Drag the pointer across the top part of the ruler to encompass the area you want to record.
This automatically turns on Cycle mode, and the cycle area appears as a yellow strip.
Select the initial track on which you want to record.
Click the Record button in the control bar (or press R) to start recording.
Recording starts automatically on the selected track at the beginning of the defined cycle area. With each new cycle pass, a new track is created for a new recording. Record as many cycle passes as you want.
Click the Stop button in the control bar (or press the Space bar) to stop recording.