Step FX processors in Logic Pro for Mac
The parameters of all Step FX processors are described in the respective sections below.

Mod FX parameters
The modulation FX unit provides chorus-like effects, ranging from soft through to heavy tone warping.
On/off button: Enable/disable the Mod FX unit.
Delay knob and field: Set the initial delay time.
Rate knob and field: Set the LFO speed of the modulation effect.
Depth knob and field: Set the intensity of the modulation effect.
Feedback knob and field: Set the amount of the effect signal that is routed back to the input. Use high levels if you’re going for weird sounds.
Mix knob and field: Set the level of the original versus modulated signal. This is a modulation amount control.
Delay parameters
A syncable stereo delay unit with integrated filter. See Step FX filter types.
On/off button: Enable/disable the delay effect.
Filter Type pop-up menu: Choose a lowpass (LP), bandpass (BP), highpass (HP), or lowpass/low cut hybrid (LP+LoCut) filter type.
Feedback knob and field: Set the amount of feedback for the left and right delay signals. Higher values result in more delay repeats.
Cutoff knob and field: Set the cutoff frequency for the chosen filter type. This filters the selected frequencies from the overall signal.
Mix knob and field: Set the level of the source versus delay signal.
Sync button: Turn on to synchronize delay repeats with the project tempo. Turn off to set delay times freely. Set time/beat/division values with the Time L/R knobs.
Time L/R knobs and fields: Set the delay time in milliseconds or in beat/division values when synchronized with the project tempo.
Filter parameters
The filter unit provides dozens of filter types. See Step FX filter types.
On/off button: Enable/disable the filter effect.
Type pop-up menu: Choose a filter characteristic. Each option provides a different tonal color and response to the Cutoff and Res control values.
Note: The chosen filter type can alter the names and functions of the default Cutoff and Res knobs.
Cutoff knob and field: Set the cutoff frequency for the filter. Higher frequencies are attenuated and lower frequencies are allowed to pass in a lowpass (LP) filter. The reverse is true in a highpass (HP) filter. When in a bandpass (BP) mode, cutoff determines the center frequency of the band that is allowed to pass. The comb and other filter types change the names and behaviors of the filter controls.
Res knob and field: Boost or cut signals in the frequency band that surrounds the cutoff frequency. Very high Res values cause the filter to begin oscillating at the cutoff frequency. This self-oscillation occurs before you reach the maximum resonance value.
Mix knob and field: Set the level of the original versus filtered signal.
Distortion parameters
The distortion unit can add color and a saturated tone to your parts.
On/off button: Enable/disable the distortion effect.
Exciter knob and field: Set the amount of excitation. Exciter generates high frequency components that are not part of the original signal by introducing a nonlinear distortion.
Dirt knob and field: Set the amount of this saturated, gritty distortion characteristic.
Reverb parameters
A simple reverb unit that can add space to your parts.
On/off button: Enable/disable the reverb effect.
Type pop-up menu: Choose a reverb characteristic. Each option provides a different tonal color and response.
Time knob and field: Set the length of the reverb tail.
Mix knob and field: Set the level of the original versus reverb signal.