View tracks as music notation in Logic Pro for Mac
The Score Editor displays MIDI regions on software instrument (and external MIDI instrument) tracks as music notation, including notes, rests, key and time signature, and clef signs. Bar lines show the division between measures. Gaps between regions are filled in to display a continuous staff. If the track contains software instrument Apple Loops, notation is displayed for each loop iteration, but only the original region of the loop can be edited.
The Score Editor has three views, optimized for different kinds of work:
Linear view: Shows a single software instrument track in a continuous, horizontally scrolling view. Linear view is the standard view for editing the score.
Wrapped view: Shows one or more tracks in a lead sheet–style, line-wrapped view.
Page view: Shows the full score on facing pages. Page view displays as many pages as possible (depending on the size of the Score Editor window and current zoom level). You can work on the score layout and print the full score in Page view.
You can also move through display levels, to view a MIDI region, a track, multiple tracks in a folder, or all tracks in the project.
Note: Because the Score Editor displays the contents of MIDI regions, any MIDI notes located outside of a region (in the Piano Roll Editor, for example) are not displayed in the Score Editor.
When viewing the score in Linear view, the following controls appear in the Score Editor inspector to the left of the score display (when Show Local Inspector is chosen in the Score View pop-up menu):
Insert pop-up menu: Choose the note value for notes to insert.
Time Quantize pop-up menu (with Strength and Swing buttons): Quantize the timing of notes.
Scale Quantize pop-up menu (with Strength and Swing buttons): Transpose notes to a different key.
Velocity: Change the velocity value of selected notes.
In addition, the Grid pop-up menu appears in the Score Editor menu bar, so you can set the visual quantization of notes in the Score Editor.