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Table of Contents
Help menu keyboard shortcuts in Motion
Open Motion Help
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Window menu keyboard shortcuts
Audio list keyboard shortcuts
Motion User Guide
What’s new
What’s new in Motion 5.5
What’s new in 5.4.6
What’s new in 5.4.4
Motion basics
What is Motion?
Motion workflow
Motion interface
Basic components of Motion
Using input devices
Create and manage projects
Intro to creating projects
Create a new project
Open an existing project
Search for projects from the Finder
Bypass the Project Browser
Create and modify project presets
Save, autosave, and revert projects
Use templates
Intro to using templates
Create projects from templates
Create stickers for Messages
Replace template media using drop zones
Intro to drop zones
Create drop zones
Modify drop zone images
Drop zone controls
Control and expose drop zones
Template guidelines
Organize templates in the Project Browser
Modify project properties
Intro to project properties
Edit project properties
Properties Inspector controls
Project frame size
Add and manage content
Intro to adding and managing content
Import media files
If it’s your first import
Import media
Import layered Photoshop files
Media file types
Supported media formats
High-resolution still image files
Set the import size of large images
Image sequences
Animated GIFs
PDF files
Alpha channels
Audio files
Text files
Add Library content that comes with Motion
Show the Library
Categories of Library content
Add Library content to a project
Add music and photo files
Sort and search in the Library
Manage Library folders and files
When Library media is unavailable
Work with Library themes
Save custom objects to the Library
Manage source media
Intro to source media
View source media information
Media list
Show, sort, and search the Media list
Reveal source media
Adjust source media parameters
Display the Media Inspector
Source media controls
Duplicating and deleting media files
Exchange media in a project
Reconnect offline media
Reconnect offline media files
Networked devices and removable media
Play back projects
Intro to project playback
View and play back a project
Play back a project
Optimize playback using RAM preview
Use full-screen player mode
Use a second display
View and adjust project timing
Intro to the timing display
View project timing information
Move the playhead
Change project duration
Define the play range
Project playback performance
Work in a basic project
Intro to basic compositing
Select and organize layers
Intro to the Layers list
Select layers and groups
Show and hide the Layers list
Expose layers in the canvas
Add and remove layers and groups
Reorganize layers and groups
Show, hide, solo, or lock layers
Nest layers and groups
Intro to nesting layers and groups
Collapse and expand groups
Group, ungroup, and nest layers
Constrain group size
Layers list controls
Layers list shortcut menu
Customize the Layers list
Transform layers
Intro to transforming layers
Transform layers in the canvas
Intro to transforming layers in the canvas
Transform layer properties in the canvas
Transform tools
Change layer position, scale, or rotation
Move a layer’s anchor point
Add a drop shadow to a layer
Distort or shear a layer
Crop a layer
Modify shape or mask points
Transform text glyphs and other object attributes
Align layers in the canvas
Transform layers in the Inspector
Transform layers in the Properties Inspector
Properties Inspector controls
Transform layers in the HUD
Transform 2D layers in 3D space
Adjust opacity and blending
Modify layer opacity
Layer blending
Intro to layer blending
Change a layer’s blend mode
How do blend modes work?
How do blend modes affect groups?
Types of blend modes
Alpha channel blend modes
View and navigate in the canvas
Zoom or pan the canvas
View dynamic canvas feedback
Custom canvas view options
Advanced Quality settings
Use rulers and guides
Work in a 3D project
Intro to 3D compositing
3D coordinates
Intro to 3D coordinates
Relative coordinates
Transform layers in 3D space
3D intersection
Create 3D intersection
2D and 3D group properties
Add cameras to create 3D environments
Intro to 3D cameras
Add a camera
Cameras and views
Work with camera views and overlays
View 3D overlays
Camera pop-up menu
Use 3D view tools
Use the 3D compass
Set a 3D inset view
Display a 3D grid
Display 3D scene icons
3D viewport layouts
Work with multiple cameras
Scale, position, and animate cameras
Isolate an object in the canvas
Camera controls
Depth of field
Intro to depth of field
Turn depth of field on or off
Depth of Field controls
Camera behaviors
Add Camera behaviors
Dolly behavior
Focus behavior
Framing behavior
Use Framing behavior onscreen controls
Sweep behavior
Zoom In/Out behavior
Zoom Layer behavior
Intro to 3D lighting
Add lights
3D Light controls
Additional lighting controls
Intro to 3D shadows
Cast a 3D shadow
3D shadow controls
How shadows interact with 3D layers
Shadows without lights
Cast a reflection
Reflection controls
How groups affect reflections
Limit recursive reflections
Manage timing
Intro to the Timeline
Display or resize the Timing pane
Add objects to the Timeline
Dragging objects to the Timeline
Drag to the Timeline layers list
Drag to the Timeline track area
Set Timeline dragging preferences
Manage Timeline layers and tracks
Intro to managing Timeline layers and tracks
Select and organize Timeline layers
Unlink video and audio
Customize the Timeline
Edit objects in the Timeline
Edit in the Timeline
Move objects in the Timeline
Trim objects in the Timeline
Slip video layers in the Timeline
Split objects in the Timeline
Delete objects in the Timeline
Copy and paste objects in the Timeline
Group tracks in the Timeline
Edit the group track in the Timeline
Navigate in the Timeline
Show and modify keyframes in the Timeline
Work in the ruler
Intro to the Timeline ruler
Edit a range of frames in the Timeline
Work with markers
Intro to Timeline markers
Add, move, and delete Timeline markers
Edit Timeline marker information
Navigate with Timeline markers
Edit in the mini-Timeline
Retime media
Intro to retiming media in the Timeline
Retime media in the Timeline
Timing controls
Manage retiming analysis
Animate with behaviors
Intro to behaviors
Behaviors versus keyframes
Browse and apply behaviors
Browse for behaviors
Apply behaviors
Intro to applying behaviors
Add, remove, and disable behaviors
Where applied behaviors appear
Add or remove a Parameter behavior
Reassign a Parameter behavior
Where Parameter behaviors appear
Manage behaviors and behavior timing
Disable, lock, or rename behaviors
Copy, paste, or move behaviors
Modify behavior timing
Intro to behavior timing
Stop a behavior
Trim behaviors
Controlling Simulation behaviors
Modify behavior timing
Offset Parameter behavior timing
Behavior order of operations
Behaviors and keyframes
Combining behaviors with keyframes
Behaviors and keyframes in the Keyframe Editor
Keyframing parameters in behaviors
Convert behaviors to keyframes
Adjust behaviors
Intro to adjusting behaviors
Adjust behaviors
Behavior types and parameters
Intro to behavior types
Basic Motion behaviors
Intro to basic Motion behaviors
Align To behavior
Fade In/Fade Out behavior
Grow/Shrink behavior
Motion Path behavior
Work with the Motion Path behavior
Move behavior
Point At behavior
Snap Alignment to Motion behavior
Spin behavior
Throw behavior
Parameter behaviors
Intro to Parameter behaviors
Audio behavior
Average behavior
Clamp behavior
Custom behavior
Add a Custom behavior
Exponential behavior
Link behavior
Logarithmic behavior
MIDI behavior
Add a MIDI behavior
Negate behavior
Oscillate behavior
Create a decaying oscillation
Overshoot behavior
Quantize behavior
Ramp behavior
Randomize behavior
Rate behavior
Reverse behavior
Stop behavior
Track behavior
Wriggle behavior
Retiming behaviors
Intro to Retiming behaviors
Flash Frame behavior
Hold Frame behavior
Loop behavior
Ping Pong behavior
Replay behavior
Reverse behavior
Reverse Loop behavior
Scrub behavior
Set Speed behavior
Strobe behavior
Stutter behavior
Simulation behaviors
Intro to Simulation behaviors
Align to Motion behavior
Attracted To behavior
Attractor behavior
Drag behavior
Drift Attracted To behavior
Drift Attractor behavior
Edge Collision behavior
Gravity behavior
Orbit Around behavior
Random Motion behavior
Repel behavior
Repel From behavior
Rotational Drag behavior
Spring behavior
Vortex behavior
Wind behavior
Additional behaviors
Save and share custom behaviors
Save custom behaviors
Delete custom behaviors
Move behaviors to another computer
Animate with keyframes
Intro to keyframing
Add keyframes
Animate in the canvas with keyframes
Add an animation path in the canvas
Modify animation paths
Animate in the Inspector
Animate from the Inspector
Animation menu controls
Use the Animation menu
Keyframe controls in the Inspector
Animate from the HUD
Use keyframes to modify behaviors
Apply keyframes to behaviors
Combining keyframes and behaviors
Work with keyframes in the Timeline
View keyframes in the Timeline
Modify keyframes in the Timeline
Effect duration and keyframe timing
Work in the Keyframe Editor
Display the Keyframe Editor
Keyframe Editor controls
Modify keyframes and curves in the Keyframe Editor
Add or delete keyframes in the Keyframe Editor
Modify keyframes in the Keyframe Editor
Reverse, lock, or disable keyframes
Copy and paste keyframes and curves
Draw an animation curve
Transform curve segments
Apply parameter behaviors to curves
Compare curve snapshots
Set curve interpolation and extrapolation
Set curve interpolation
Curve interpolation methods
Convert to Bezier interpolation
Set curve extrapolation
Curve extrapolation methods
Convert extrapolated curves to keyframes
Choose which curves are displayed in the Keyframe Editor
Choose a curve view
Create a custom curve view
Save an animation curve
Use the mini-curve editor
Animate on the fly
Simplify a keyframe curve
Create Final Cut Pro templates
Intro to Final Cut Pro templates
How do templates work?
Template workflow
Placeholders vs. drop zones
Work with effect templates
Create an effect template
Modify a Final Cut Pro effect
Example: Modify a Final Cut Pro effect
Work with transition templates
Create a transition template
Example: Create a blur transition
Create a transition background
Modify a Final Cut Pro transition
Work with title templates
Create a title template
Create a title background
Modify a Final Cut Pro title
Work with generator templates
Create a generator template
Modify a Final Cut Pro generator
Convert project types
Convert a Motion project to Final Cut Pro
Convert a template to another type
Use placeholder images in templates
Add parameter controls to Final Cut Pro effects
Adding controls to templates
Publish controls to Final Cut Pro
Manage template controls in Motion
Publishing template text controls
Template items that can’t be published
Control template timing and animation
Intro to template markers
Add template markers
Animation guidelines for templates
Timing guidelines for templates
Set template resolution
Add multiple aspect ratios to templates
Override the Final Cut Pro color space
Where are templates saved?
Using masks in templates
Guidelines for better templates
Build rigs
Intro to rigging
How does rigging work?
Build a simple rig
Work with widgets
Widget types
Slider widget
Pop-up menu widget
Checkbox widget
Manage parameter snapshots
Intro to snapshots
How snapshots are saved
Create and manage snapshots
Control rigs from Animation menus
How to use rigs
How to use a single rig
How to use multiple rigs
Widget animation
Publish rigs to Final Cut Pro
Create particles
Intro to Particles
Add a particle system to a project
Add a particle system
Anatomy of a particle emitter
Adjust a particle system
Modify particle systems
Modify particle system parameters in the HUD
Adjust particles from the HUD
Emitter HUD controls
Modify particle system parameters in the Inspector
Adjust particles from the Inspector
Single-cell vs. multi-cell controls
Emitter controls
Particle cell controls
Adjust basic emitter properties
Animate emitters and cells
Animating emitters and cells
Apply behaviors to particles
Particles behavior controls
Scale Over Life controls
Spin Over Life controls
View emitter or cell keyframes
Create 3D particles
Particle system timing
Using graphics in particle systems
Using filters and masks with particles
Save custom particle effects
Create replicators
Intro to replicators
Replicators vs. particle systems
Add a replicator to a project
Add a replicator
Anatomy of a replicator
Adjust a replicator
Modify basic replicator attributes
Remove a replicator or cell
Adjust a replicator from the HUD
Modify a replicator in the Inspector
Adjust a replicator from the Inspector
Replicator controls
Create a custom replicator shape
Replicator cell controls
Adjust additional replicator properties
Animate replicators
Animating replicators
Apply behaviors to replicators
Replicator behavior considerations
Apply the Sequence Replicator behavior
Sequence Replicator controls
Control sequence timing with keyframes
Use Parameter behaviors with Sequence Replicator
Display replicator animation curves
Work with 3D replicators
Replicator timing
Using filters and masks with replicators
Save custom replicators
Create and edit basic text
Intro to basic text
Add text to a project
Set preferences before you add text
Add text
Using TXT and RTF files
Select and modify text in the canvas
Preview and apply fonts
Use preset text styles
Edit text
Intro to editing text
Display the Text Inspector or HUD
Edit text format
Display the text Format pane
Format text
Text Format controls
Edit text appearance
Display the text Appearance pane
Modify text color
Modify text opacity
Modify text softness
Apply an image texture to text
Add a text outline, glow, or drop shadow
Appearance controls in the Text Inspector
3D Text controls
Text Face controls
Text Outline controls
Text Glow controls
Text Drop Shadow controls
Save a custom text style
Edit text layout
Display the text Layout pane
Create text on a path
Create text on a path
Modify a text path in 3D space
Use a geometry shape as a text path
Animate text on a path
Work with margins and tabs
Create and adjust text margins
Add, remove, and modify text tabs
Layout controls in the Text Inspector
Text Layout controls
Text Rendering controls
Text Behavior controls
Text Type On controls
Text Path Options controls
Text Margins controls
Text Tabs controls
Work with text glyphs
Intro to text glyphs
Select characters with the Transform Glyph tool
Modify a text glyph
Distort a glyph in the canvas
Reset glyphs
Glyph controls in the Text HUD
Convert standard text to 3D text
Check spelling
Find and replace text
Using filters with text
Build 3D text
Intro to 3D text
3D text workflow
Add 3D text to a project
Add 3D text
Convert 2D text to 3D text
Apply a preset 3D text style
Move and rotate 3D text
Modify basic 3D text attributes
Modify 3D text format and layout
Modify 3D text depth and weight
3D Text controls
Modify surface appearance
Intro to 3D text surface materials
Apply materials to 3D text
Apply a preset material to 3D text
Apply a custom material to 3D text
Modify 3D text materials
Add or remove 3D text material layers
Make light-emitting 3D text
Apply materials to 3D text facets
Save a modified 3D text material
Material controls
Intro to 3D text material controls
3D text Substance controls
3D text Paint controls
3D text Finish controls
3D text Distress controls
3D text Emit controls
3D text Placement controls
Example: Customize a metal gradient
Modify lighting style
Intro to lighting 3D text
Adjust 3D text lighting
Modify 3D text environment lighting
3D text Lighting and Environment controls
Add a glow or drop shadow to 3D text
3D text intersection
Animate text
Intro to animated text
Apply a text behavior
Use preset text behaviors
Preset text behaviors
Customize a preset text behavior
Example: Modify the Flare In behavior
Create custom text sequence behaviors
Apply the Sequence Text behavior
Fine-tune a Sequence Text behavior
Add keyframes to a Sequence Text behavior
Sequence the distortion of 2D text
Sequence Text behavior controls
Create scrolling text
Use the Scroll Text behavior
Scroll Text controls
Create animated text tracking
Use the Text Tracking behavior
Text Tracking controls
Create a “type-on” effect
Use the Type On behavior
Type On controls
Animate individual text glyphs
Animating 2D text in 3D space
When to use keyframes to animate text
Adding nontext behaviors to text
Save a modified text behavior
Draw shapes, masks, and paint strokes
Intro to shapes, masks, and paint strokes
Add simple shapes and masks
Intro to simple shapes and masks
Draw simple shapes
Add shapes from the Library
Draw simple masks
Convert a shape or mask to control points
Add complex shapes and masks
Intro to complex shapes and masks
Draw complex shapes and masks
Draw paint strokes
Intro to paint strokes
Create a paint stroke
Convert outlines to paint strokes
Adjust stroke width in the canvas
Paint Stroke controls in the HUD
Edit shape control points
Intro to editing control points
Show control points
Select or lock control points
Add or delete control points
Move control points to adjust shapes
Edit Bezier control points
Edit B-Spline control points
Use dynamic guides and snapping
Edit fill, outline, and feathering
Shape controls in the Inspector
Intro to shape controls
Style pane controls
Style pane movie controls
Stroke pane controls
Advanced pane controls
Geometry pane controls
Shape behaviors
Intro to Shape behaviors
Add a Shape behavior
Apply Pen Pressure behavior
Adjust Pen Speed behavior
Apply Pen Tilt behavior
Oscillate Shape behavior
Randomize Shape behavior
Sequence Paint behavior
Track Points behavior
Wriggle Shape behavior
Write On behavior
Keyframe shape control points
Work with masks and transparency
Intro to masks and transparency
Mask a layer
Combining multiple masks
Applying filters or behaviors to masks
Use keyframes to rotoscope a mask
Rotoscope a mask’s shape
Rotoscoping tips
Mask controls in the Inspector
Use Image masks
Intro to image masks
Apply an image mask to a layer
Image mask controls
Convert between shapes and masks
Using filters and masks with shapes
Copy shape styles
Save custom shapes and shape styles
Create graphics with generators
Intro to using generators
Add a generator
Customize a generator
Modify or animate a generator
Controls common to all generators
Image generators
Intro to image generators
Caustics generator
Cellular generator
Checkerboard generator
Clouds generator
Color Solid generator
Concentric Polka Dots generator
Concentric Shapes generator
Gradient generator
Grid generator
Japanese Pattern generator
Lens Flare generator
Manga Lines generator
Membrane generator
Noise generator
One Color Ray generator
Op Art 1 generator
Op Art 2 generator
Op Art 3 generator
Overlapping Circles generator
Radial Bars generator
Soft Gradient generator
Spirals generator
Spiral Drawing generator
Use Spiral Drawing onscreen controls
Star generator
Stripes generator
Sunburst generator
Truchet Tiles generator
Two Color Ray generator
Text generators
Intro to text generators
File generator
Numbers generator
Time Date generator
Timecode generator
Save a modified generator
Add effects with filters
Intro to filters
Browse and preview filters
Apply or remove filters
Adjust filters
Intro to adjusting filters
Adjust filters in the Inspector or HUD
Adjust filters in the canvas
Types of onscreen filter controls
Filter types and parameters
Intro to filter types
Blur filters
Intro to Blur filters
Channel Blur filter
Circle Blur filter
Compound Blur filter
Defocus filter
Directional Blur filter
Gaussian Blur filter
Gradient Blur filter
Prism filter
Radial Blur filter
Soft Focus filter
Variable Blur filter
Zoom Blur filter
Border filters
Intro to Border filters
Bevel filter
Simple Border filter
Stroke filter
Widescreen filter
Color filters
Intro to Color filters
Brightness filter
Channel Mixer filter
Color Balance filter
Example: Color-balance two layers
Color Curves filter
Use the Color Curves filter
Color Reduce filter
Color Wheels filter
Use the Color Wheels filter
Colorize filter
Contrast filter
Custom LUT filter
Use the Custom LUT filter
Gamma filter
Gradient Colorize filter
HDR Tools filter
Hue/Saturation filter
Hue/Saturation Curves filter
Use the Hue/Saturation Curves filter
Levels filter
Negative filter
OpenEXR Tone Map filter
Sepia filter
Threshold filter
Tint filter
Distortion filters
Intro to Distortion filters
Black Hole filter
Bulge filter
Bump Map filter
Disc Warp filter
Droplet filter
Earthquake filter
Fisheye filter
Flop filter
Fun House filter
Glass Block filter
Glass Distortion
Insect Eye filter
Mirror filter
Page Curl filter
Poke filter
Polar filter
Refraction filter
Ring Lens filter
Ripple filter
Scrape filter
Sphere filter
Starburst filter
Stripes filter
Target filter
Tiny Planet filter
Twirl filter
Underwater filter
Wave filter
Glow filters
Intro to Glow filters
Aura filter
Bloom filter
Dazzle filter
Glint filter
Gloom filter
Glow filter
Light Rays filter
Outer Glow filter
Overdrive filter
Looks filters
Intro to Looks filters
Bleach filter
California filter
Chrome filter
Cool filter
Fade filter
Instant filter
Mono filter
Nevada filter
New York filter
Noir filter
Process filter
Sixties filter
Tonal filter
Transfer filter
Sharpen filters
Intro to Sharpen filters
Sharpen filter
Unsharp Mask filter
Stylize filters
Intro to Stylize filters
Add Noise filter
Bad Film filter
Bad TV filter
Circle Screen filter
Circles filter
Color Emboss filter
Comic filter
Crystallize filter
Edges filter
Extrude filter
Fill filter
Halftone filter
Hatched Screen filter
Highpass filter
Indent filter
Line Art filter
Line Screen filter
MinMax filter
Noise Dissolve filter
Pixellate filter
Posterize filter
Relief filter
Slit Scan filter
Slit Tunnel filter
Texture Screen filter
Vignette filter
Wavy Screen filter
Tiling filters
Intro to Tiling filters
Kaleidoscope filter
Kaleidotile filter
Offset filter
Parallelogram Tile filter
Perspective Tile filter
Random Tile filter
Tile filter
Triangle Tile filter
Time filters
Intro to Time filters
Echo filter
Scrub filter
Strobe filter
Trails filter
WideTime filter
Video filters
Intro to Video filters
Broadcast Safe filter
Deinterlace filter
Animate filter controls
Animate filter parameters with keyframes
Animate filters using behaviors
Publish filter parameters to Final Cut Pro
Using filters on alpha channels
Filter performance
Save custom filters
Composite with color and luma keys
Intro to color keying
Use the Keyer filter
Intro to the Keyer filter
Use the Keyer filter
Keyer filter controls
Animating color key parameters
Use the Luma Keyer filter
Intro to the Luma Keyer filter
Luma Keyer filter controls
Correct or refine an existing matte
Intro to refining mattes
Crop background with a garbage mask
Restore foreground with a holdout mask
Matte Magic filter
Spill Suppression filter
Apply multiple keys
Work with 3D objects
Intro to 3D objects
Add a 3D object
Move and rotate a 3D object
Reposition a 3D object’s anchor point
Modify 3D object properties
Intro to modifying 3D objects
Modify 3D object properties
Modify a 3D object’s inherent size and orientation
Exchange a 3D object file
3D object intersection and layer order
Adjust 3D object timing in Motion
Intro to 3D object timing
Modify 3D object timing in Motion
Using cameras and lights with 3D objects
Save custom 3D objects
Guidelines for working with 3D objects
Working with imported 3D objects
Work with 360-degree video
Intro to 360-degree video
360-degree projects
Create 360-degree projects
Add 360-degree video to a project
View and navigate 360-degree projects
View 360-degree projects
View 360-degree video in a VR headset
Integrate graphics in 360-degree projects
Intro to graphics in 360-degree projects
Use graphics in 360-degree projects
Create a tiny planet effect
Reorient 360-degree media
Creating 360-degree templates for Final Cut Pro
360-degree-aware filters and generators
Export and share 360-degree projects
Guidelines for better 360-degree projects
Track motion in clips
Intro to tracking
How does motion tracking work?
Motion tracking behavior types
Analyze motion in a clip
Match move an object to a background clip
Intro to match moving
Match move an object
Two-point tracking
Corner-pin a foreground object
Combining animation and tracking data
Stabilize a shaky clip
Unstabilize a clip
Use a range of frames for analysis
Load existing tracking data
Track shapes, masks, and paint strokes
Track a filter’s position parameter
Adjust onscreen trackers
Guidelines for better tracking
Intro to tracking guidelines
Basic tracking strategies
Advanced tracking strategies
Track perspective, scale, or rotational shifts
Track obscured or off-frame points
Tracking retimed footage
Improve stabilization
Remove borders from stabilized clips
Use masks with tracking behaviors
Tracking behavior controls
Analyze Motion controls
Match Move controls
Stabilize controls
Unstabilize controls
Track Points controls
Track controls
Save tracks to the Library
Work with audio
Intro to audio
View audio files
Add audio files
Play audio files
Edit audio
Intro to audio editing
Adjust audio
Cut, copy, paste, and delete audio
Slip, slide, and trim audio
Use audio with markers
Make advanced audio adjustments
Work with the Output audio track
Select audio output channels
Animate audio level and pan
Sync audio and video
Retime audio
Automate effects with audio behaviors
Intro to audio behaviors
Audio Auto Pan behavior
Audio Fade In/Fade Out behavior
Audio parameter behavior
Apply the Audio parameter behavior
Share Motion projects
Intro to exporting projects
Export a QuickTime movie
Export audio only
Export a still image
Export an image sequence
Export to Apple devices
Export to email
Export using Compressor
Create share destinations
Render settings
View the status of shared items
Share notifications
Video files and formats
Media file formats
Popular video codecs
Field order
Pixel aspect ratio
Computer graphics versus video color
High-resolution graphics
Work smarter
Intro to preferences and shortcuts
Motion Preferences
Change preference settings
General preferences
Appearance preferences
Project preferences
Time preferences
Cache preferences
Canvas preferences
3D preferences
Presets preferences
Destinations preferences in Motion
Intro to Destinations preferences
Email destination in Motion
Save Current Frame destination
Export Image Sequence destination in Motion
Export File destination in Motion
Compressor Settings destination in Motion
Bundle destination in Motion
Project Preset Editor
Motion menus
Intro to menus
Application (Motion) menu
File menu
Edit menu
Mark menu
Object menu
Favorites menu
View menu
Window menu
Help menu
Keyboard shortcuts
Intro to Keyboard shortcuts
Use function keys
General keyboard shortcuts
Menu commands
Menu bar keyboard shortcuts
Motion menu keyboard shortcuts
File menu keyboard shortcuts
Edit menu keyboard shortcuts
Mark menu keyboard shortcuts
Object menu keyboard shortcuts
View menu keyboard shortcuts
Share menu keyboard shortcuts
Window menu keyboard shortcuts
Help menu keyboard shortcuts
Audio list keyboard shortcuts
Tools keyboard shortcuts
Transform tool keyboard shortcuts
Select/Transform tool keyboard shortcuts
Crop tool keyboard shortcuts
Edit Points tool keyboard shortcuts
Edit shape tools keyboard shortcuts
Pan and Zoom tools keyboard shortcuts
Shape tools keyboard shortcuts
Bezier tool keyboard shortcuts
B-Spline tool keyboard shortcuts
Paint Stroke tool keyboard shortcuts
Text tool keyboard shortcuts
Shape mask tools keyboard shortcuts
Bezier Mask tool keyboard shortcuts
B-Spline Mask tool keyboard shortcuts
Transport control keyboard shortcuts
View option keyboard shortcuts
HUD keyboard shortcuts
Inspector keyboard shortcuts
Keyframe Editor keyboard shortcuts
Layers keyboard shortcuts
Library keyboard shortcuts
Media list keyboard shortcuts
Timeline keyboard shortcuts
Keyframing keyboard shortcuts
Shape and Mask keyboard shortcuts
3D keyboard shortcuts
Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts
Search and customize keyboard shortcuts
Intro to the Command Editor
Command Editor interface
Search for keyboard shortcuts
Create custom keyboard shortcuts
Import and export keyboard shortcuts
Touch Bar shortcuts
Move assets to another computer
Use color and gradient controls
Intro to color and gradient controls
Color controls
Use basic color controls
Use the pop-up color palette
Use the Colors window
Use the color eyedropper
Use expanded color controls
Gradient controls
Intro to using the gradient editor
Use a gradient preset
Change gradient color and opacity
Change gradient direction and spread
Modify gradient tags
Save gradients
Use onscreen gradient controls
Basic gradient controls
Gradient editor controls
Intro to rasterization
Examples of rasterization
How rasterization affects text
How rasterization affects 3D text and 3D objects
How rasterization affects shapes
How rasterization affects particles and replicators
How rasterization affects shadows
How rasterization affects filters
Wide color gamut and HDR
Intro to wide color gamut and HDR
Use wide-gamut HDR color processing
View HDR media
Adjust HDR media
Choose with wide-gamut HDR colors
Display HDR luminance values in Motion
Wide-gamut HDR tips
Work with GPUs