Overlapping Circles generator in Motion
The Overlapping Circles generator creates orbs of two different colors that overlay each other. You can use a third color for the background.

Adjust this generator using the controls in the Generator Inspector:
Center: A slider that sets the center of the generator pattern.
Color 1: Color controls that set the first color of the generator.
Color 2: Color controls that set the second color of the generator. For more information on using the color controls, see Use basic color controls in Motion.
Background Color: Color controls that set the background color of the generator. If the background color is not visible, adjust the Circle Offset parameter.
Size: A slider that adjusts the size of the circles.
Circle Offset: A slider that adjusts the space between the circles.
Angle: A dial that rotates the overlapping circles pattern.
Contrast: A slider that sets how sharp or blurred the division is between the circles and the background.