Stutter behavior in Motion
The Stutter behavior randomly inserts hold frames of random durations into the playback of a clip. The effect is similar to that of a videocassette tape that sticks during playback.
Adjust this behavior using the controls in the Behaviors Inspector:
Stutter Amount: A slider that sets the probability that a hold frame is generated at the given frame. When set to 0%, no hold frames are created; when set to 100%, every frame is a hold frame. Values between 0 and 100 indicate the probability of frames (within the duration of the behavior) that are replaced by hold frames. The default value is 10%.
Duration Range: A slider that sets the maximum duration of hold frames. A value of 1 inserts single-frame hold frames at a frequency determined by the Stutter Amount parameter. Increasing the Duration Range increases the range of hold frames. For example, a value of 30 creates random hold frames with a minimum of 1 frame and a maximum of 30 frames. The default value is 3 frames.
Random Seed: A button that picks a random seed number to generate new values, based on the other parameters of this behavior.