Library themes help you organize projects that may share objects by allowing you to label specific objects with a default theme, such as Abstract, Nature, or Sci-Fi, or to assign objects to a custom theme. By default, some preset Library objects are assigned to a theme. For example, the Hypnotic particle emitter preset is in the Sci-Fi category.
Note: Library themes are different from the themes in the Themes pop-up menu of the Project Browser. Project Browser themes are applied to entire Motion projects and shared between Motion and Final Cut Pro when creating templates. For more information on creating templates for Final Cut Pro, see Intro to Final Cut Pro templates in Motion.
In the Library in Motion, select a category or subcategory, then choose a theme from the Theme pop-up menu.
Items belonging to the chosen theme appear in the stack.
In the Library in Motion, below the preview area, choose New Theme from the Theme pop-up menu.
In the Create New Theme dialog, type a theme name, then click OK.
A new theme is added to the Library. New themes appear in the Theme pop-up menu.
Custom themes are saved in the “themes” document in your /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/ folder.
In Motion, Control-click a custom item in the Library stack (such as a shape saved to the Favorites folder), choose Theme from the shortcut menu, then choose a theme from the submenu.