After you add a 3D object to a Motion project, you can adjust the object’s lighting, blend mode, timing, and other properties.
In Motion, select a 3D object in the Layers list, Timeline, or canvas.
In the Inspector, click Properties.
Adjust the Transform, Blending, Lighting, Media, or Timing controls.
Note: The Lighting parameter is not available if the 3D object is contained within a 2D group.
The Lighting section of the Properties Inspector controls how layers react to lights that you add to a Motion project (Ambient, Directional, Point, or Spot lights). To change the intensity of light reflected on the surface of 3D objects, see the following task.
Several properties that are available to other layers, such as drop shadows, reflections, or four corner controls, are not available for 3D objects. If the 3D objects are contained in a 2D group, these parameters are available in the Group Properties Inspector.
You can control the intensity of the 3D object environment—the amount of light reflected in the surface of all objects in the project. This is especially useful when:
You’re integrating 3D objects with reflective textures, such as water, glass, or chrome, into your Motion composition
You want to control the 3D object environment lighting without adding lights to your project
You want to enhance shading created on the 3D objects when you add lights to the project
In a Motion project that contains at least one 3D object, select the Project object in the Layers list.
In the Rendering section of the Project Properties Inspector, drag the 3D Object Environment slider to the right to increase the environment intensity or to the left to decrease the environment intensity.
The 3D Object Environment parameter is a global control—all 3D objects within the Motion project are uniformly affected. Other layers in the project are not affected.
You can also access the 3D Object Environment parameter in the 3D Object Inspector.