Vignette filter in Motion
Simulates the light fall-off and corner-blurring effect characteristic of images viewed through some camera lenses.

Adjust this filter using the parameter controls in the Filters Inspector:
Size: Sets the size of the vignette. The larger the size, the more area of the object is affected by the vignette. You can also adjust this parameter in the canvas, by dragging the inner ring of the onscreen control. Drag in the center of the inner and outer rings to adjust the Size and Falloff values simultaneously.
Falloff: Sets the amount of feathering applied to the border of the vignette. The higher the falloff, the softer the edge of the vignette. You can also adjust the Falloff parameter by dragging the outer ring of the onscreen control in the canvas. Drag in the center of the inner and outer rings to adjust the Size and Falloff values simultaneously.
Center: Sets the position of the center of the vignette. You can also drag the Center onscreen control in the canvas.
Blur Amount: Sets the amount of blur applied to the part of the image affected by the vignette.
Darken: Sets the amount the affected part of image is darkened by the vignette.
Saturation: Sets the amount of color saturation applied to the parts of the image affected by the vignette.
Mix: Sets the percentage of the original image that’s blended with the filtered image.
Publish OSC: Publishes the filter’s onscreen controls in Final Cut Pro. For more information on creating content for use in Final Cut Pro, see Intro to Final Cut Pro templates in Motion.