Where Parameter behaviors appear in Motion
Like other behaviors, Parameter behaviors appear nested underneath the objects they’re applied to in the Layers list and Timeline, along with any other behaviors applied to that object.
Note: Although Parameter behaviors appear nested under objects in the Layers list, each Parameter behavior is applied to a single parameter of an object, and not to the object itself.
Whereas standard behaviors display a simple gear icon in the Layers list, Parameter behavior icons contain a funnel-shaped image at the center of the gear. The funnel represents the “channeling” of individual parameters.

The same icon appears in the Timeline.

Control-clicking a parameter’s name in the Inspector, or clicking the down arrow on the right side of a parameter row (visible when you move the pointer over it) opens the Animation menu, which displays the names of behaviors applied to that parameter.

Choosing a behavior opens the Behaviors Inspector.
As with all other behaviors, when a Parameter behavior is applied to an object in your project, a behavior icon (a gear) appears over the Keyframe button of the affected parameter in the Properties, Behaviors, or Filters Inspector where it is applied.