Export Image Sequence destination in Motion
Use this destination to export a set of sequentially numbered still-image files.
Export: Sets the export file type to an image format such as PNG, TIFF, or OpenEXR.
Scale image to preserve aspect ratio: When selected, exports frames from a project that uses a nonsquare pixel format (such as NTSC or PAL) into a square pixel format.
Create sticker sequence: When selected, creates animated stickers for the Messages app on iOS and iPadOS. See Create stickers in Motion for the Messages app on iOS and iPadOS devices.
Color Space: Sets the range of color used in the exported image sequence.
Color Channels: Sets which color channels are output—RGB only, RGB with alpha channel (transparency), or alpha channel only.
Duration: Sets whether to export the entire project or a play range set in the Timeline.
Export selected layer only: When selected, exports a single layer selected in the project. If no layer is selected, or if an object that does not render is selected (such as a rig, a light, or a camera), this option is dimmed.