Use Scripter in Logic Pro for Mac
The Scripter plug-in lets you load and use supplied or user-created scripts to process or generate MIDI data in real time. You don’t need any programming knowledge to use the plug-ins created in this environment, but you can view and modify them with the built-in script editor. Once authored and stored as a setting or patch or as part of a concert or project file, you can use the plug-in just like any other. A number of pre-built Scripter processors are included.
If you’re an advanced user, you can create your own custom MIDI plug-ins. See Use the Script Editor.
Important: You need to select Enable Complete Features in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced to use Scripter. The version of JavaScript used by the Scripter plug-in is determined by the JavaScriptCore framework version installed on your system. To ensure the greatest level of compatibility, install the latest software updates.
The Scripter plug-in has one global parameter. Further parameters, defined by the JavaScript script that is currently running, are shown below the global parameter.

Open Script in Editor button: Open the Script Editor window.
You can write your own scripts, or you can paste scripts from other sources into this window.
Load a pre-built Scripter processor
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Load a setting from the plug-in window header.
Load a patch from the Library.
Load a channel strip setting from the channel strip Settings pop-up menu or Library.
Load a project or concert that contains a Scripter plug-in with a running script.
You do not need to explicitly save an active script as a setting, patch, and so on. Saving the project or concert retains the script and status of all Scripter plug-ins.