Create instruments with Logic Pro for Mac Sampler
You can create your own sampler instruments in the way that suits you best. The simplest and fastest way is with drag and drop.
You can drag one or more audio files directly onto the Sampler Navigation bar.
You can drag one or more audio files directly onto the Sampler Mapping pane. This is generally done in the Key Mapping Editor, but you can also drag and drop audio into Zone and Group views.
You can drag a single audio file directly into the Sampler Zone pane.
You can also methodically create empty zones and groups using menu commands, then fill them with audio content, using either menu options or drag and drop.
You can add zones and groups to loaded instruments, or you can create a new instrument from scratch, and fill it with zones and groups.
Editing of many zone and group parameters can also be performed graphically, or with numerical fields and menus. Creation and editing of sampler instrument zones and groups is performed in the Mapping and Zone panes.
Important: Sampler cannot directly record samples as you would with a hardware sampler. You can record samples in the Track area in Logic Pro, then drag them into Sampler.
For information about creating zones and groups, see Create zones and Create groups.