In addition to playing cells individually, you can play cells in a scene together, like a section in a musical arrangement. You can select, duplicate, rename, move, and delete scenes. You can also change the Quantize Start value and trigger mode for each scene. When you trigger a scene, all cells in the scene use that scene’s Quantize Start value and trigger mode. When you start or stop individual cells in a scene, each cell uses its own Quantize Start value and trigger mode. You can add currently playing cells from different scenes to an empty scene or to a scene already containing cells.
Scene selection and focus
Scenes are similar to tracks regarding focus and selection: When you select multiple scenes, the first selected scene is the focused scene. Some operations, such as using a key command to trigger a scene, only affect the focused scene when multiple scenes are selected.
When multiple scenes are selected, the area around the trigger of the focused scene appears gray, unlike the other selected scenes.
In Logic Pro, do the following:
Select single scene: Click the scene name directly under the Scene trigger.
Select the previous or next scene:
When a scene is selected: Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow keys.
When no scenes are selected: Press the Option-Left Arrow or Option-Right Arrow keys.
Select multiple scenes: Shift-click the area under the Scene trigger to add that scene to the selection.
Extend scene selection to previous or next scene: Press Shift and the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key.
When multiple scenes are selected, only one can have focus. You can change the focused scene while keeping the multiple selection.
In Logic Pro, with multiple tracks selected, do one of the following:
Move focus to previous or next scene: Press the Left Arrow to choose the previous scene, or the Right Arrow key to choose the next scene.
Move focus to specific scene: Click the scene name under the Scene trigger for the scene you want to have focus.
In Logic Pro use the Trigger Focused Scene key command.
When no cells are selected and the Live Loops grid is active, you can also use the Trigger Live Loops key command (or press Return) to trigger the focused scene.
You can copy playing cells to a single scene. This is useful if you want to combine cells from different scenes into a new scene. If you copy playing cells to a scene that already contains cells, the copied cells replace any existing cells on the same track in the scene.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Control-click the Scene trigger of the destination scene and choose Copy Playing Cells Here.
Select a scene and use the Copy Playing Cells Here key command.
In Logic Pro, click and hold the area under the Scene trigger, then drag the scene left or right.
In Logic Pro, select one or more scenes, Control-click the Scene trigger for any of the selected scenes and choose Duplicate from the shortcut menu.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Control-click the Scene trigger and choose Insert Empty Scene.
Select a scene and use the Insert Empty Scene key command.
A new empty scene is created and the following scenes move to the right.
In Logic Pro, move the pointer over the right edge of the last scene in the Live Loops grid.
When the pointer changes to a resize pointer, drag it to the right to add empty scenes, or to the left to remove empty scenes.
New scenes are numbered by default. You can rename them to help organize and arrange your Live Loops grid.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Control-click the Scene trigger , then choose Rename from the shortcut menu.
Double click the name of the scene.
Enter a new name for the scene, then press Return.
In Logic Pro, select one or more scenes, then do one of the following:
Control-click the Scene trigger of one of the selected scenes, then choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
Press the Delete key.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the Scene trigger and choose a trigger mode from the Trigger Mode submenu.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the Scene trigger and choose a Quantize Start value from the Quantize Start submenu.
You can change the Quantize Start value or trigger mode for all scenes at the same time.
In Logic Pro, Control-click the Scene trigger , choose Set All Scene Triggers, then choose a Quantize Start value or trigger mode from the relevant submenu.
Any previous changes you made to the Quantize Start value or trigger mode of an individual scene are updated with the new setting.