Sampler modulation overview in Logic Pro for Mac
In Sampler, you can use the extensive range of modulation Sources and Targets to generate extraordinary sounds that constantly evolve, or are just plain expressive to play. You can use modulators to more accurately emulate different playing techniques of various instruments. As examples, emulating the change in embouchure of a brass player, or introducing a delayed vibrato for a stringed instrument.
If you’re new to the concepts and use of synthesizer modulators, see Modulation overview.

You can access all Sampler modulation parameters and functions in two panes.
Mod Matrix pane: Use to create a modulation routing where you can link a modulation Source, such as an envelope, to a modulation Target, such as the filter. You can use up to twenty modulation routings in your sampler instruments. See Use the Sampler Mod Matrix.
Modulators pane: You can use the modulators, which include the LFOs and envelopes, to control your sounds. See Sampler LFO overview and Sampler envelopes.