Pitch bend events in Logic Pro for Mac
Pitch bend events in Logic Pro for Mac are used to continuously vary the pitch of MIDI notes. They are usually generated by a centered pitch bend wheel or joystick on your keyboard. You can create pitch bend events and other types of MIDI events in the Event List. For more information, see Create events in the Logic Pro Event List.

Pitch bend event parameters
Ch(annel): MIDI channel of an event from 1 to 16.
Num(ber): Fine pitch bend division (LSB: Least Significant Byte). Many keyboards transmit a value of 0. If the pitch bend wheel has a 7-bit resolution, you see values of either 0 or 64 in this column.
Val(ue): The effective pitch value (MSB: Most Significant Byte), ranging from 0 to 127. A value of 64 corresponds to the halfway setting of the wheel.
Note: The format of displayed pitch bend values can be changed in the Display MIDI Data As pop-up menu. See General View settings.
Length/Info: The 14-bit value is displayed in this column as a decimal figure ranging from −8192 to 8191 (if your keyboard transmits 14-bit pitch bend data). The value in this column can be edited in the usual ways.