Alchemy keymap editor in Logic Pro for Mac
Source components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view, then click the A/B/C/D button to view detailed parameters for the selected source.
The source edit window is opened by clicking the Edit button on any source subpage. Click the close window icon (X) at the top right to close the window.
The keymap editor displays all sample zones in the currently selected group, with each zone represented as a rectangle. The size and location of the rectangle indicates the key and velocity range for the associated zone. The selected zone in the inspector is indicated by a white outline in the keymap editor. See Alchemy inspector zone controls in Logic Pro for Mac.

The left and right boundaries of the rectangle indicate the Lo Key and Hi Key parameters relative to the keyboard display below. Drag either boundary to set the Lo Key and Hi Key values.
The bottom and top edges of the rectangle indicate the Lo Vel and Hi Vel parameters. Drag either the top or bottom edge to set the Lo Vel and Hi Vel values.
Drag the middle of the scroll bar to view zones that are not visible in the display area. Horizontally drag the zoom controls at either end of the scroll bar to resize the contents of the visible display area.
Keymap editor menu commands
Control-click any zone to open a shortcut menu.
Cut: Remove the selected zone or zones from the current group, and copy to the Clipboard.
Copy: Copy the selected zone or zones to the Clipboard.
Paste to existing group: Paste content from the Clipboard to an existing group chosen from the submenu.
Paste to new group: Create a new group, and paste content from the Clipboard into it.
Exchange sample: Open the Import browser where you can choose a replacement sample for the zone. The import mode used by the previous sample is retained, and the import mode buttons are dimmed. See Alchemy Import browser in Logic Pro for Mac.
Assign to existing group: Move the selected zone or zones from the current group to an existing group chosen from the submenu.
Assign to new group: Create a new group, and move the selected zone or zones from the current group into the new group.