Use the ES2 Planar Pad in Logic Pro for Mac
The Planar Pad has two axes—X (horizontal) and Y (vertical). Two user-defined parameters can be modulated with the X and Y values, allowing you to use the mouse like a joystick.
The X and Y axes have positive and negative value ranges. When you drag the pointer (the square icon), the values of both axes are continuously transmitted.

The Vector X and Vector Y Target menus determine which parameter is modulated by pointer movements in the Planar Pad. These modulation targets are identical to those in the router. See ES2 oscillator modulation targets, ES2 filter modulation targets, and Other ES2 modulation targets.
The position (coordinates) of the Planar Pad pointer is also available in the router, as the Pad-X and Pad-Y source and via options. See ES2 modulation source reference and Control ES2 modulation intensity.
The maximum intensity, sensitivity, and polarity of the modulation is set with the Vector X Int and Vector Y Int parameters.
Set the ES2 modulation intensity
In Logic Pro, drag vertically in the Vector X and Y Int fields.
Use a negative value to invert the modulation polarity.