Edit markers in Logic Pro for Mac
You can copy and move markers, adjust their lengths, and color them. You can also change the appearance of marker text in the Marker Text window (or area).
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
In the Marker track: Option-drag the marker.
You can also copy a marker, move the playhead to the position where you want to paste the copy, and then paste it.
In the Marker List: Use the Copy (Command-C) and Paste (Command-V) commands.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
In the Marker track: Drag the marker left or right to a new position.
In the ruler when the Marker track is hidden: Command-drag a marker left or right to a new position.
In the Marker List: Use the pointer as a slider in the Position field, or double-click a position value and enter a new value. To adjust markers in finer increments, you can slide the bar, beat, division, and tick numbers independently.
Note: When you move a marker in the Marker track or ruler, the increments by which the markers move depend on the Snap pop-up menu setting. Watch the help tag for precise feedback on movements.
There are times when you may want to protect markers from being moved. Logic Pro has a feature that preserves the absolute time position of events.
In Logic Pro, choose Options > Lock SMPTE Position in the Marker List (or use the corresponding key command).
This command locks (fixes) the time position of markers, and a lock symbol is displayed at the beginning of the marker name.

These markers always retain their absolute time position: if the project tempo is changed, the bar positions will change to keep the markers at the same time positions.
Tip: You can also lock and unlock the time positions of markers from the Region menu in the Tracks area, and the Functions menu in the Piano Roll Editor and Step Editor, if you turn on the display of global tracks.
In Logic Pro, choose Options > Unlock SMPTE Position in the Marker List (or use the corresponding key command).
Note: You cannot unlock the time position of scene markers. See Use movie scene markers.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
In the Marker track: Place the pointer over the left or right edge of the marker. When the pointer changes to a Resize pointer, drag the marker edge to the new position.
In the Marker List: Use the pointer as a slider in the Position field or Length field, or double-click a position value and enter a new value. To adjust markers in finer increments, you can slide the bar, beat, division, and tick numbers independently.
Markers cannot overlap. The edge of one marker cannot be dragged over another marker.
Tip: If you set the length of a marker to one (1) tick, the marker automatically extends to the start of the next marker.
To trim the start point: In the Logic Pro Marker track, press and hold Shift–Command and click the marker at the location where you want to trim the start point.
To trim the end point: In the Logic Pro Marker track, press and hold Command and click the marker at the location where you want to trim the end point.
In Logic Pro, drag the cycle area onto a marker in the Marker track.
Dragging the cycle area in the ruler is limited to either horizontal or vertical movements. This ensures that you do not accidentally:
Move the cycle when creating markers (by dragging the cycle into the lower third of the ruler or into the Marker track)
Create markers when moving the cycle
Tip: When you press and hold Shift after clicking and holding the cycle, the cycle can be moved horizontally, and then dragged to a marker in one go. When you press and hold Shift before clicking the cycle, the nearest cycle border is set to the clicked position.
In Logic Pro, choose View > Show Colors to open the Color palette.
Select the marker in the Marker track, then click a color in the Color palette.
When you select a dark color, the marker text is automatically shown in an inverse color.
In Logic Pro, double-click the marker text you want to change.
Click the Font button in either the Marker Text window or the Marker Text area.
Choose settings in the Font window.
The text in the Marker Text window changes to match the settings. The text in the Marker track is not affected.