Droplet filter in Motion
Simulates the effect of a drop of liquid falling onto the surface of a pool, with the image displaced by concentric ripples. This filter is not automatically animated, but animating the Thickness parameter of this filter creates the effect of the ripples spreading out from the center.

Adjust this filter using the parameter controls in the Filters Inspector:
Center: Sets the position of the center of the droplet effect. You can also drag the Center onscreen control in the canvas.
Radius: Sets the radius of the droplet effect. You can also drag the inner circle of the onscreen controls in the canvas. Drag between the inner and outer circles to adjust the Radius and Thickness parameters simultaneously.
Thickness: Sets the width of the rippling waves from the droplet. You can also drag the outer circle of the onscreen controls in the canvas. Drag between the inner and outer circles to adjust the Thickness and Radius parameters simultaneously.
Height: Sets the height of the droplet ripples.
Crop: Sets whether the filtered image is sharply cropped at its original boundaries. When this checkbox is deselected, the filter affects the edges of the image.
Mix: Sets the percentage of the original image that’s blended with the distorted image.
Publish OSC: Publishes the filter’s onscreen controls in Final Cut Pro. For more information on creating content for use in Final Cut Pro, see Intro to Final Cut Pro templates.
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