Velocity Processor MIDI plug-in in Logic Pro for iPad
The Velocity Processor MIDI plug-in processes incoming MIDI velocity events—note on and note off—in real time. Among other applications, it allows velocity compression and expansion.

Velocity Processor global parameters
Note ON/OFF buttons: Tap either button to process MIDI note on velocity or MIDI note off velocity. Both buttons can be active simultaneously.
Mode buttons: Choose a velocity processing mode. The available parameters change depending on the mode selected. Mode-specific parameters are detailed in each section.
Comp/Exp: In Compress/Expand mode, the plug-in behaves like an audio compressor.
Value/Range: In Value/Range mode, the plug-in behaves like an audio limiter.
Add/Scale: In Add/Scale mode, the plug-in scales, adds to, or reduces the values of incoming MIDI velocity messages.
Note Range Min and Max sliders and fields: Move the sliders to set an input note range. Notes that fall within the input note range are processed (default range: 1–127). Notes outside the input note range are not processed.
Note: You can cross over the Note Range Min and Max sliders, which inverts the input note range behavior: note events that fall within the range are not processed and note events outside the range have their velocities processed.
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