Keyboard shortcuts for the main views in Logic Pro for iPad
Function | Keyboard shortcut |
Show/Hide Logic Pro for iPad Keyboard Shortcuts | Command (press and hold) |
Show/Hide System Keyboard Shortcuts | Fn (press and hold) |
Close Menu or Dialog | Esc |
Quit Logic Pro for iPad | Command-W |
Show/Hide Browser | Y |
Show/Hide Inspector | I |
Show/Hide Fader | V |
Show/Hide Editor | E |
Show/Hide Plug-ins Area | B |
Show/Hide Mixer | X |
Show/Hide Play Surface | P |
Change Focus to Next Area | Tab |
Change Focus to Previous Area | Shift-Tab |
Play/Pause | Space bar |
Go to Beginning | Return |
Forward (1 bar) | Period (.) |
Fast Forward (8 bars) | Shift-Period (.) |
Rewind (1 bar) | Comma (,) |
Fast Rewind (8 bars) | Shift-Comma (,) |
Record | R |
Solo | S |
Mute | M |
Toggle Cycle Mode | C |
Metronome Click | K |
Toggle Count In | Shift-K |
Search and Add Plug-in | Control-Command-P |
Select All | Command-A |
Delete | Delete |
Cut | Command-X |
Copy | Command-C |
Paste | Command-V |
Undo | Command-Z |
Redo | Shift-Command-Z |
Turn on Multiple Select Mode Momentarily | Shift (press and hold) |
Turn on Copy Mode Momentarily | Option (press and hold) |
Turn on Stepped Automation Mode Momentarily (Automation view) | Option (press and hold) |
Turn on On/Off Mode Momentarily (Mixer) | Option (press and hold) |
Mute Playback Volume | F10 |
Decrease Playback Volume | F11 |
Increase Playback Volume | F12 |
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