Convert audio regions to samples for a sampler instrument in Logic Pro for Mac
You can quickly create your own Sampler, Drum Machine Designer, or Alchemy instruments by converting one or more audio regions into samples. Logic Pro for Mac sets this instrument up on a new software instrument track, allowing you to play the sample zones at their original position.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, the Convert Regions to New Sampler Track command is available in the Track menu.
Convert audio regions to sample zones on a new sampler track
In Logic Pro, select the audio regions you want to convert in the Tracks area, then do one of the following:
Choose Track > Convert Regions to New Sampler Track.
Control-click one of the selected audio regions, then choose Convert > Convert to New Sampler Track from the shortcut menu.
Choose whether you want to create zones from regions or transient markers:
Regions: Converts each selected region into a sample zone. For example, a single region is converted into a single sample zone.
Transient Markers: Converts each section between transient markers into a sample zone. For example, a single region with multiple sections is converted into multiple sample zones. This is useful for quickly slicing drum hits in a drum loop, for example.
Note: If you create zones from transient markers, Logic Pro analyzes the audio region or regions to detect transients, if they have not previously been analyzed.
Select the instrument to use for the new track:
Drum Machine Designer: Inserts Drum Machine Designer into the Instrument slot on the new software instrument track. Each zone is set up on a subtrack and placed on its own pad in the Drum Machine Designer grid.
Alchemy: Inserts Alchemy as the instrument plug-in on the new software instrument track.
Sampler: Inserts Sampler as the instrument plug-in on the new software instrument track.
If you want the sample zones to play back in their entirety when triggered, regardless of how long you press the trigger key, select the Create ‘1Shot’ Zones checkbox. When unselected, the sample zone plays only for as long as you press the trigger key.
From the Trigger Note Range pop-up menus, choose the lowest and highest note for the one-note zones created in the new sampler instrument, then click OK.
This creates a new software instrument track below the selected track, with the sampler instrument inserted as the instrument plug-in. MIDI regions with ascending trigger notes are created on this track. The new track and regions are selected, and the processed regions are muted and dimmed.
To spread samples evenly across the defined note range, select the “Map evenly across trigger note range” checkbox.
Note: When you use Sampler or Alchemy, Logic Pro saves the samples to the project only if you select the respective asset setting: File > Project Settings > Assets > “Copy Sampler audio files into project” or “Copy Alchemy audio files into project.” By contrast, Logic Pro saves the sampler instrument itself to the project regardless of this setting. Drum Machine Designer saves the samples to the project by default. For more information, see Manage Logic Pro project assets.