Overview of Exchanging Environments in Logic Pro for Mac
One of the main advantages of the Environment is that it lets you customize Logic Pro for Mac to fully control your MIDI studio. This can, however, present a problem when you share projects with other musicians, or use different studio setups. It also presents a problem when you return to older projects after you’ve changed your studio. Logic Pro offers several functions to make these transitions as easy as possible.
Whenever you want to exchange Environments between projects, there is a source project containing the desired Environment, and a destination project with an Environment that you want to change. The destination Environment must be in memory, and must be the active project (one of its windows must be active). The source project can also be in memory, or it can be a file on your hard disk (or any other media). Keep the following in mind:
If there are two projects in memory, Logic Pro assumes the active project is the destination, and the other project is the source.
If there are more than two projects in memory, Logic Pro assumes the active project is the destination, and the most recently active of the other projects is the source.
If there is only one project in memory, Logic Pro opens an Open dialog, allowing you to select the source project.