Dolby Atmos mixing workflows in Logic Pro for Mac
Mixing in Dolby Atmos can require additional steps. Here are some tips to help you optimize your workflow for Dolby Atmos.
All the parameters of the Surround Panner, Surround Balancer, and 3D Object Panner can be automated to move signals around in space. The corresponding parameters of those pan controls are listed in the Main submenu of the Automation Parameter pop-up menu.

Surround Panner and 3D Object Panner presets
The Surround Panner window and 3D Object Panner window have the same window appearance as plug-in windows, including access to the Settings pop-up menu in the window header. That means you can use the commands in the Settings pop-up menu to save the current pan position as a plug-in preset and recall it in other tracks or projects. Those settings are stored by default in the same Finder location as other plug-in settings (~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Plug-In Settings/) inside the folder Surround Panner and 3D Object Panner.
The command Save As Default saves the current surround settings as a default preset, so whenever you create a new channel strip or switch to the 3D Object Panner, the panner will open with that pan position.
For more details, see Work with plug-in settings.
VCA groups
Creating separate VCA groups for bed tracks and object tracks is an easy way to handle your project’s levels globally. See Use VCA groups.