Chase project settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, Chase project settings are available.
If you start playback in the middle of a project, some events might not be heard (such as notes, sustain pedal events, and pitch bend events that start before the point where playback begins). Using the Chase Events function, you can have Logic Pro for Mac detect the last MIDI event of each MIDI event type before the playback start point on every track and have them sent when the project plays back.

The following checkboxes let you determine which MIDI events are sent using the Chase Events function:
Notes checkbox: Sends a note-on message for a note when the playback start point falls between the start and end point of that note.
Sustained checkbox: Sends a note-on message for a note that has ended at the playback start point, but is still playing due to a prior sustain pedal on event (CC 64).
In No Transpose instrument channel strips checkbox: Instrument channel strips (particularly drums and samplers with musical phrases) can be assigned No Transpose status in the Track inspector. Selecting this checkbox avoids playing back a sound that would not be in sync to the other tracks when played after its original start point.
Program Change checkbox: Scans for program change messages on each track, and if any are present, sends the last event located before the playback start point.
Pitch Bend checkbox: Scans for pitch bend messages on each track, and if any are present, sends the last event located before the playback start point.
Control Changes checkbox: Scans for any continuous controller messages (CC 0 to CC 127) on each track, and if any are present, sends the last event located before the playback start point. You can enable this function separately for three number ranges:
0-15 checkbox: Enable the scan for CC 0 to C15, such as CC 1 (Modulation), CC 2 (Breath Controller), CC4 (Foot Controller), CC 7 (Volume), and CC 10 (Pan).
64-71 checkbox: Enable the scan for CC 64 to C 71. These are mainly switch controllers, such as CC 64 (Sustain).
All Other checkboxes: Enable the scan for CC 72 to C127, used for sound controllers and various MIDI Mode Messages.
Aftertouch checkbox: Scans for aftertouch (channel pressure) messages on each track, and if any are present, sends the last event located before the playback start point.
Polyphonic Aftertouch checkbox: Scans for polyphonic aftertouch messages on each track, and if any are present, sends the last event located before the playback start point.
System Exclusive checkbox: Scans each track and transmits the most recent SysEx messages before the playback start point.
Text Meta Events checkbox: Scans each track and transmits the most recent Text Meta Event messages before the playback start point.
Chase separate channels in All Channels instruments checkbox: Scans MIDI messages on each track, and if any are present, sends the last events for each MIDI channel located before the playback start point. If unselected, only the last MIDI event of each type is sent regardless of its embedded MIDI channel. This checkbox applies only if the MIDI Channel Out parameter in the Track inspector is set to All.
Note: A message is only sent if its corresponding checkbox is selected.
Chase on cycle jump checkbox: When Cycle Mode is enabled, every time the playback jumps to the cycle start point, it sends the same messages as it would if you were starting playback at that position with Chase enabled.
Note: A message is only sent if its corresponding checkbox is selected.
Notes checkbox: Deselect the checkbox to exclude chase note events from being sent during the cycle jump.
Send full MIDI reset before chasing checkbox: Sends MIDI reset messages when stopping playback, ensuring that all MIDI devices being triggered are set to their defaults.
Note: Messages are only sent if their message type is selected in the Reset Messages pane of the MIDI Settings window.