Overview of the Score Editor in Logic Pro for Mac
The Score Editor can display a single MIDI region or software instrument track. In the Score Editor, each track appears as a separate staff. Notes, rests, and other musical events in the MIDI regions on the track are displayed in standard musical notation.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, the Score Editor can display multiple tracks containing MIDI regions, and display every instrument track in the project.

The Score Editor menu bar includes Layout, Edit, Functions, and View pop-up menus; Display Level, View, MIDI In, MIDI Out, and Catch buttons; Tool menus; and a Zoom slider.
The Score inspector, located to the left of the score display, includes the following areas that you use to control various aspects of the score:
Region inspector: Control visual quantization and other display settings for regions in the score.
Event inspector: Control appearance and position settings for individual notes and other items in the score.
Part box: Select notes and other symbols to add to the score.
Inspector channel strips: Control volume, pan, and other mixing functions for the selected track and its output.
You can view the Score Editor in the Logic Pro main window, or as a separate, resizable window.
The following MIDI regions are not displayed in the Score Editor: Muted MIDI regions (if Hide Muted Regions is selected in File > Project Settings > Score > Global), MIDI regions on muted tracks (if Hide Muted Tracks is selected in File > Project Settings > Score > Global), and MIDI regions for which the Score parameter is turned off in the Region inspector.