Export tracks as audio files in Logic Pro for Mac
You can export one or more selected tracks as audio files, or export all tracks (all audio, software instrument, and Drummer tracks) in a project as audio files—one file per track. When you export tracks as audio files, you can specify the naming of the audio files using filename elements.
In Logic Pro, select the track to export, then choose File > Export > 1 Track as Audio File.
Choose a file format for the exported audio file from the Save Format pop-up menu.
Choose the bit depth for the exported audio file from the Bit Depth pop-up menu.
Set the following parameters, as necessary:
Range: Choose whether to trim silence at the end of the exported file(s), export only the cycle range, or extend silence to the project end.
Multi-Output Software Instruments: For software instrument tracks with multi-output software instruments, choose one of the following options:
One File per Track: Mixes the multi-output signals with the main output into one file, for each multi-output software instrument track. In situations where multiple tracks use the same multi-output software instrument channel strip, one file is created for each track.
One File per Channel Strip: Creates additional files for each aux channel strip that has an output of the selected track’s multi-output software instrument as Input source.
Bypass Effect Plug-ins: Select to disable all plug-ins on the source track.
Include Audio Tail: Select to extend the length of the created file to include any instrument release and potential effect tail (reverb, delay, and so on).
Include Volume/Pan Automation: Select to have volume and pan automation performed on export, with their result influencing the created file. Otherwise, the volume and pan automation is simply copied, but not performed.
Note: If you plan to use the exported regions with an external app for processing, mixing, or editing, exporting them with no volume and pan automation is generally desirable.
Include Tempo Information: By default, this checkbox is selected so that global tempo information is included in the exported audio file. To export without including tempo information, deselect the checkbox.
Normalize: Choose one of the following options:
Off: The exported file is not normalized.
Overload Protection Only: Allows downward normalization in case of overloads—levels above 0 dB, which would lead to clipping—but no normalization in case of lower levels.
On: The exported file is normalized both for overloads and for lower levels.
Select the Add resulting files to Project Audio Browser checkbox to add the exported file to the Project Audio Browser.
To specify the filename pattern: Drag one or more elements to the Pattern field in the order you want them to have in the filenames.
To add a custom name, drag the Custom element to the Pattern field, then type in the Custom field.
An example filename appears below the elements.
Browse to a location to save the exported file or files.
Click Save.
In Logic Pro, choose File > Export > All Tracks as Audio Files.
Choose a file format for the exported audio files from the Save Format pop-up menu.
Choose the bit depth for the exported audio file from the Bit Depth pop-up menu.
Set the following parameters, as necessary:
Multi-Output Software Instruments: For software instrument tracks with multi-output software instruments, choose one of the following options:
One File per Track: Mixes the multi-output signals with the main output into one file, for each multi-output software instrument track. In situations where multiple tracks use the same multi-output software instrument channel strip, one file is created for each track.
One File per Channel Strip: Creates additional files for each aux channel strip that has a multi-output of the selected track’s multi-output software instrument as Input source.
Bypass Effect Plug-ins: Select to disable all plug-ins on the source track.
Include Audio Tail: Select to extend the length of the created file to include any instrument release and potential effect tail (reverb, delay, and so on).
Include Volume/Pan Automation: Select to have volume and pan automation performed on export, with their result influencing the created file. Otherwise, the volume and pan automation is simply copied, but not performed.
Note: If you plan to use the exported regions with an external app for processing, mixing, or editing, exporting them with no volume and pan automation is generally desirable.
Include Tempo Information: By default, this checkbox is selected so that global tempo information is included in the exported audio files. To export without including tempo information, deselect the checkbox.
Normalize: Choose one of the following options:
Off: The exported file is not normalized.
Overload Protection Only: Allows downward normalization in case of overloads—levels above 0 dB, which would lead to clipping—but no normalization in case of lower levels.
On: The exported file is normalized both for overloads and for lower levels.
Select the Add resulting files to Project Audio Browser checkbox to add the exported file to the Project Audio Browser.
To specify the filename pattern: Drag one or more elements to the Pattern field in the order you want them to have in the filenames.
To add a custom name, drag the Custom element to the Pattern field, then type in the Custom field.
An example filename appears below the elements.
Browse to a location to save the exported file or files.
Click Save.