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You can move an active take or comp from a take folder to a new track, which removes the take or comp from the original take folder.
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, choose the take you want to move from the Take Folder pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the take folder.
Choose Move active Take to New Track from the Take Folder pop-up menu.
The active take is moved to a new track, which is created below the take folder track. This take is no longer available in the original take folder.
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, choose the comp you want to move from the Take Folder pop-up menu in the upper-left corner of the take folder.
Choose Move active Comp to New Track from the Take Folder pop-up menu.
The active comp is moved to a new track, which is created below the take folder track. This comp is no longer available in the original take folder.