Create a new surround project in Logic Pro for Mac
In Logic Pro for Mac, you change a stereo project to a surround project when you set the Output slot of at least one channel strip to Surround.
Surround master channel strip
When you change a stereo project to a surround project, the following happens to the master channel strip:
It changes to the surround master channel strip.
It processes the signals on all outputs that are configured in the Surround settings. For more information, see Set I/O Assignments and bounce extensions.
The Effect slots become available to insert multichannel plug-ins for processing the surround signal. Any plug-ins in the Stereo Output channel strip will be deactivated.
The level meters display the individual channels of the selected surround format. For output formats with height channels (for example, 5.1.2 and 7.1.4), the meters show the height levels in a separate section. For more information, see Change the order of surround level meters.
Output channel strips
The visibility and functionality of any output channel strip depend on the following factors:
If any track in the surround project is still routed to an output that is part of the surround output, that corresponding output channel strip is still visible in the Mixer, but its Effect slots are hidden.
Any existing effects in the Insert slots of output channel strips are no longer processed. The original insert configuration is saved, so when you remove all surround outputs, the original output channel configuration is restored.
As soon as no tracks are routed to individual outputs, the output channel strips will be hidden from the Mixer.
Any output channel strip that is routed to an output that is not part of the surround output (assigned in the I/O Assignments Settings pane) is still visible in the Mixer and has its individual Effect slots available.