Vintage Electric Piano interface in Logic Pro for Mac
Vintage Electric Piano is divided into four areas. The control bar at the top lets you choose an electric piano model and provides access to further controls shown in the main display. The central area gives you direct access to Bass Boost and Volume controls. Extended parameters are available at the bottom of the interface.
Click the control bar Effects and Details buttons to update the main display.

Model pop-up menu: Choose an electric piano model. Several Rhodes models are available, plus Hohner Electra Piano and Wurlitzer models. See Rhodes models and Hohner and Wurlitzer models.
Note: When you choose a new model, all currently sounding voices are muted and all parameters are reset to default values.
Effects button: Click to show the EQ, Drive, Phaser, Tremolo, and Chorus effect parameters in the main display area.
Details button: Click to show parameters in the main display area that enable you to alter the tone and playing behavior of the selected instrument model.
Bass Boost knob and field: Enhance the low end of the sound. This parameter emulates the behavior of the control found on the original Rhodes piano.
Volume knob and field: Set the overall output level of Vintage Electric Piano.
Extended parameters: Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left to access Vintage Electric Piano extended parameters if needed.