Modulator envelope in Logic Pro for Mac

Modulator Envelope parameters
Envelope on/off button: Turn the envelope on or off.
Envelope display: Shows the current envelope shape. Drag the handles in the display to set the following parameters:
Delay: Delay the onset of the envelope. Ranges from 0 to 10 seconds.
Attack: Set the time required to reach the sustain level. Ranges from 0 to 10 seconds.
Hold: Set the sustain level and duration. Ranges from 0 to 10 seconds.
Release: Set the time required for the envelope to fall to a value of zero after the sustain phase of the envelope has finished. Ranges from 0 to 10 seconds.
Trigger switch: Determine if the envelope is triggered by the LFO or by incoming MIDI note on messages.
LFO: The envelope is retriggered when the LFO reaches its (positive) peak value. See Modulator LFO.
Note: The envelope ignores incoming LFO triggers if it is currently completing an envelope pass.
Single: After all notes have been released, the envelope is re-triggered by the first MIDI note on message it receives.
Note: This means that legato playing does not reset the envelope, so keep this in mind during performances.
Multi: The envelope is re-triggered by each received MIDI note on message.
Steps per Env(elope) Pass slider and field: Determine the number of steps per envelope pass. By default, the envelope produces a smoothed continuous stream of controller events, but you can use this parameter to create a stepped controller signal that is similar to the output of a Sample and Hold circuit. When you set a manual step rate, the envelope time can be changed without altering the number of steps.
Env to LFO Rate knob: Set the maximum amount of LFO modulation (LFO depth). The LFO rate can be modulated by the Attack, Hold, and Release parameters (see above).
Env to LFO Amp knob: Set the maximum amount of LFO output modulation. This enables you to fade the LFO in or out with the envelope.
To pop-up menu: Choose a continuous controller number, aftertouch, or pitch bend as the envelope output target. You can also learn a plug-in parameter.
Output Level slider: Scale the envelope output level.
Offset slider: Set a positive or negative offset in order to tailor the output for the intended target.
Oscilloscope: Displays the shape of the envelope control signal before it is scaled.
MIDI Channel pop-up menu (extended parameter): Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left. Choose a MIDI output channel.
Assign a MIDI event to a plug-in parameter
You can assign and send MIDI events to plug-ins in the same channel strip, allowing you to control parameters without using MIDI CC messages.
In Logic Pro, choose Learn Plug-in Parameter from the To pop-up menu.
Click the parameter in the target plug-in.
The name of the plug-in and parameter are shown in the To field.