Control ES2 modulation intensity in Logic Pro for Mac
In a basic modulation routing comprised of a target and source, you can set a fixed modulation intensity by vertically dragging the Intensity slider to the right of the routing. The slider value always defines a constant modulation intensity.
You can control modulation intensity by choosing an additional modulation source from the via pop-up menu.
Choosing a value other than off for via divides the Intensity slider into two halves. Each half has its own arrowhead.
Move the upper half of the slider to set the maximum modulation intensity when the via controller is at its maximum value.
The lower half of the slider defines the minimum modulation intensity when the via controller—the modulation wheel, for example—is set to its minimum value.
The area between the two slider halves defines the modulation range of the via controller.
In Logic Pro, choose a modulation target from the Target pop-up menu.
Choose a modulation source from the Source pop-up menu.
Choose the modulation source that you want to use for control of modulation intensity from the via pop-up menu.
Vertically drag the upper arrowhead of the Intensity slider (to the right of the modulation routing) to set the maximum modulation intensity.
Vertically drag the lower arrowhead of the Intensity slider to set the minimum modulation intensity.
In Logic Pro, vertically drag the range (the area between the two slider halves).
Both arrowheads move simultaneously.
If this area is too small to drag, drag an unused section of the Intensity slider “track” to move the area.
In Logic Pro, click the zero symbol beside the via parameter.
In Logic Pro, click the via invert (inv) parameter to the right of the via parameter.