Drum Machine Designer Kit Controls in Logic Pro for Mac
The Smart Controls pane shows parameters you can apply to either all sounds within the kit, or to an individual kit piece. The parameters discussed in this section affect the entire kit.
To view kit tone and effect parameters in the Smart Controls pane, click the Kit Controls button in the kit controls bar above the grid. If the Smart Controls pane is not visible, click the disclosure arrow at the lower left of the grid.
To learn more about Smart Controls for kit pieces, see Drum Machine Designer Kit Piece Controls in Logic Pro for Mac.

Kit Tone and Effect Smart Controls parameters
Given the huge number of Library kit patches, this list of parameters covers only the most frequently used kit tone and effect controls. Not all kits contain these parameters.
Press the button to the right of each Smart Control to turn it on or off. The corresponding effect plug-in is turned on or off in the kit channel strip. Adjust the knob value. The button is highlighted when on.
Compressor knob: Set the amount of compression for the kit. This controls dynamics, and can make the kit punchier and fuller sounding.
Crush knob: Reduce the overall bit resolution of the kit. Bit crushing introduces a lo-fi, gritty quality to all sounds in the kit.
Drive knob: Set the amount of overdrive effect for the kit. This introduces a warm distortion.
High Cut Filter knob: Set the high cut filter frequency. All kit sounds above this frequency are attenuated.
High Tone knob: Set the amount of top-end enhancement. This behaves like a treble control on a guitar amplifier.
Kit Delay knob: Set the level of the delay effect for the overall kit.
Kit Reverb knob: Set the level of the reverb effect for the overall kit. You can control the amount of reverb for each group within a kit by adjusting the Sends parameters of individual channel strips.
Low Cut Filter knob: Set the low cut filter frequency. All kit sounds below this frequency are attenuated.
Low Tone knob: Set the amount of low-end enhancement. This behaves like a bass control on a guitar amplifier.
Transient knob: Set the level of the attack phase of sounds in the kit. This can add “bite” to the initial drum strike of kit pieces.