ES2 Envelope 1 in Logic Pro for iPad
Although Envelope 1 appears to be simplistic, it is useful for a range of synthesizer functions.
ES2 Envelope 1 parameters
Mode buttons: Tap to switch Envelope 1 between an Attack/Decay or an Attack/Release envelope.
Decay mode: The level falls to zero after the attack phase has completed, whether or not the note is sustained. It decays at the same speed, even if you release the key. Set the decay time with the Dec/Rel slider.
Release mode: The envelope level remains at its maximum after the attack phase is over, while the key remains depressed. Use the Dec/Rel slider to set the time required for the level to fall to zero, once the key is released.
Trigger buttons: Choose a mode to define the trigger behavior of Envelope 1.
Poly: The envelope generator behaves as you would expect on any polyphonic synthesizer: every voice has its own envelope.
Mono: A single envelope generator modulates all voices in the same way. All notes must be released before the envelope can be retriggered. If you play legato, or any key remains depressed, the envelope does not restart its attack phase.
Retrig: A single envelope generator modulates all voices in the same way. The envelope is triggered by any key you strike, even when other notes are sustained. All sustained notes are identically affected by the retriggered envelope.
AtkMax/MinV sliders and fields: Move the left slider (AtkMaxV) to set the attack time when keys are struck at maximum velocity. The right slider (AtkMinV) sets the attack time at minimum velocity.
Dec/Rel slider and field: Set the decay time when the Decay button is active. Set the time required for the level to decrease to zero once the key is released, when the Release button is active.
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