Note Repeater MIDI plug-in in Logic Pro for iPad
This plug-in mimics an audio delay by generating repeating MIDI notes.

Note Repeater parameters
Input Through button: Turn on to pass incoming MIDI note events to the output in addition to the delayed note events. Turn off to send only the delayed notes to the output.
Sync button: Synchronize the plug-in with the project tempo. Set the delay time with the Delay slider.
Delay knob and field: Set the delay time in milliseconds or in bar/beat values when the Delay Sync button is on.
Note: When the Sync button is on, only bar and beat values are available.
Note Range Min and Max sliders: Move the sliders to set an input note range. Notes that fall within this range are processed (default range: 1–127). Notes outside the range are not processed.
Note: You can position the Note Range Min slider above the Note Range Max slider and vice versa, which inverts the input note range behavior: note events that fall within the range are not processed and note events outside the range are processed.
Repeats knob and field: Set the number of delay repetitions.
Transpose knob and field: Transpose each delay repeat by the set amount.
Velocity Ramp knob and field: Scale the velocity level of each delay repeat by the set amount.
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