Bounce Live Loops cells in Logic Pro for iPad
You can bounce audio or MIDI cells into a new audio cell, similar to the way you bounce regions in place in the Tracks area.
If you bounce a cell that has different start and loop start positions, the resulting bounce cell consists of a pass from the start position to the loop end position, and a pass from the loop start position to the loop end position (loop range). If cell looping is turned off, the bounce range extends from the start position to the end of the source cell.
You can choose to include an extra bounce of the loop range in the bounce cell. This is particularly useful if you want to ensure that any instrument release or effect tails (reverb, delay, and so on) at the end of the source cell’s loop range will be audible at the start of the bounce cell’s loop range.
If you bounce multiple cells together, the bounce range begins where the source cells start playing and ends when they all reach their loop end positions simultaneously.
Bounce one or more cells in place
In Live Loops in Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button
in the Live Loops menu bar, then select one or more cells on an audio or software instrument track.
Tap one of the selected cells, then tap Bounce Cells in Place.
In the Bounce Cells in Place dialog, define the following parameters:
Name: Enter a name for the bounce cell in the field.
Destination: Indicate the type of track on which the bounce cell is placed. You have two options:
New Track: Creates a new audio track below the selected track and places the bounce cell on that track.
Selected Track: Places the bounce cell on the selected track. This option is available only if an audio track is selected.
Source: Define what happens to the source cells after bouncing. You have three options:
Mute: Mutes the source cells after processing the bounce cell.
Delete: Deletes the source cells from the original tracks after processing the bounce cell.
Leave: Leaves the source cells unaltered after processing the bounce cell.
Include Effect Plug-ins: Turn off to bypass all plug-ins on the source track during the bounce process.
Bounce Second Loop Pass: Turn on to include an extra bounce of the loop range in the bounce cell.
Include Audio Tail in File: Turn on to continue the bounce process after the end of the bounce range, including any instrument release and potential effect tail (reverb, delay, and so on), until there is no longer a signal. Otherwise, only the bounce range is bounced.
Include Audio Tail in Region: Turn on to include the entire bounce file in the bounce cell. Otherwise, the bounce cell includes only the bounce range. This switch is visible only when the Include Audio Tail in File switch is on.
Include Volume/Pan Automation: Turn on to have volume and pan automation performed during the bounce process, with their result influencing the bounce file. Otherwise, the volume and pan automation curves are simply copied to the bounce cell.
Normalize: Choose between three states of normalization from the menu:
On: Normalization is on.
Off: Normalization is off.
Overload Protection Only: Allows downward normalization in case of overloads—levels above 0 dB, which would lead to clipping—but no normalization in case of lower levels.
Restore Defaults: Tap to set all parameters to their default settings.
Tap Bounce to create an in-place bounce of the selected cells.
Note: When you tap Bounce, the settings you have chosen are recalled the next time you use Bounce Cells in Place.
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