Automate Mixer groups in Logic Pro for iPad
By automating groups, you can easily change the values of parameters for a group of channel strips over time. For example, you may want to group all of your guitar channel strips together and have all of their relative volumes change at the same time throughout a project.
When you automate mixing functions (such as volume, pan, mute, or sends), any member of the group can be used to control the values of all members. When you write an automation parameter value on one group member, the same value (for mute and solo states) or offset (for volume and pan values) is written for the other group members, depending on their automation mode.
The data is written individually for each channel strip. As a result, you can deactivate the group later without affecting the automation of any group member, and you can edit or change channel strips individually when you remove them from the group.
You control group automation in the Group Settings dialog. To learn more about automation, see Intro to automation.
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