Use Step Sequencer with Drum Machine Designer in Logic Pro for iPad
Step Sequencer is especially suited to creating drum patterns using Drum Machine Designer patches in Logic Pro for iPad. When you create a new pattern region on a track with a Drum Machine Designer patch, note rows show names and icons matching the kit pieces in the patch (rather than MIDI note names), and the Row Assignment pop-up menu shows the kit piece names rather than MIDI note names.
When using Step Sequencer with a Drum Machine Designer patch, changing the note or octave values for steps transposes the pad kit piece rather than changing the drum sound. Unlike with other types of instruments, the row name retains the name of the kit piece rather than changing to Melodic.
Using Drum Machine Designer patches and the Drum Machine Designer Play Surface, you can quickly record Step Sequencer patterns live.
A pattern region that uses a Drum Machine Designer patch can be separated into multiple pattern regions so that each row is separated into its own one-row pattern region. The separated regions are placed on the subtracks of the Drum Machine Designer track stack matching the originating kit piece rows. This can be useful when you want to work with the resulting rows as separate regions. This function is similar to the MIDI Separate by Note Pitch function.
Separate a Drum Machine Designer pattern region per kit piece
In the Logic Pro Tracks area, tap the pattern region to select it, then tap it again.
Tap Convert, then tap Separate by Kit Piece.
To view and edit the new pattern region for each row, tap the disclosure arrow to open the track stack.
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