Linear Phase EQ parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
The central area of Linear Phase EQ includes the graphic display and parameters for shaping each EQ band. The master Gain slider is shown at the right. The Analyzer button is shown at the lower left.

Linear Phase EQ parameters
Band 1 On/Off button: Switch on a high pass filter. Only frequencies above the set frequency value are allowed to pass.
Band 1 background or control point: Drag the red control point to change the frequency and order (filter slope) values.
Band 1 vertical/horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the slope.
Note: The Q parameter of band 1 and band 8 has no effect when the slope is set to 6 decibels per octave. When the Q parameter is set to an extremely high value, such as 100, these filters affect only a very narrow frequency band.
Band 2 On/Off button: Switch on a low shelving filter that cuts or boosts frequencies below the set frequency.
Band 2 background or control point: Drag the orange shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 2 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 2 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 2 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 3 On/Off button: Switch on a parametric filter with three controls. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band.
Band 3 background or control point: Drag the yellow shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 3 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 3 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 3 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 4 On/Off button: Switch on a parametric filter with three controls. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band.
Band 4 background or control point: Drag the green shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 4 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 4 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 4 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 5 On/Off button: Switch on a parametric filter with three controls. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band.
Band 5 background or control point: Drag the aqua shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 5 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 5 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 5 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 6 On/Off button: Switch on a parametric filter with three controls. Frequency sets a center frequency. Q sets the width of the frequency band around the center frequency. Gain sets the level of the band.
Band 6 background or control point: Drag the blue shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 6 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 6 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 6 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 7 On/Off button: Switch on a high shelving filter that cuts or boosts frequencies above the set frequency.
Band 7 background or control point: Drag the purple shaded area, curve, or control point to change the frequency and gain values. Tap the control point to select the band.
Band 7 horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the gain value.
Band 7 vertical line: Drag horizontally to change the Q value.
Band 7 vertical/horizontal lines: Drag to change both the gain and Q values.
Band 8 On/Off button: Switch on a low pass filter. Only frequencies below the set frequency value are allowed to pass.
Band 8 background or control point: Drag the pink control point to change the frequency and order (filter slope) value.
Band 8 vertical/horizontal line: Drag vertically to change the slope.
Scale display: Drag vertically to offset the scaling of the overall EQ curve. Tap and hold to open a shortcut menu where you can set the EQ dB Scale Mode.
Analyzer Range display: Drag vertically to offset the scaling of the Analyzer range. Tap and hold to open a shortcut menu where you can set the Analyzer Range value.
Analyzer button: Turn the Analyzer on or off. Play the audio signal and watch the graphic display to identify peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum. See Linear Phase EQ More menu and Use the Linear Phase EQ Analyzer.
Frequency field: Drag vertically to set the frequency of the selected band.
Gain/Slope field: Drag vertically to set the amount of gain for the selected band. For bands 1 and 8, this changes the slope of the filter.
Q field: Drag vertically to set the Q factor or resonance of the effected range around the center frequency in the selected band.
Note: The Q parameter of band 1 and band 8 has no effect when the slope is set to 6 decibels per octave. When the Q parameter is set to an extremely high value, such as 100, these filters affect only a very narrow frequency band.
Master Gain slider and field: Set the overall output level of the signal. Use it after boosting or cutting individual frequency bands. Tap and hold the graphic display to open a shortcut menu where you can choose from the following options:
Linear 12 dB, 30 dB, and 60 dB mode: Set the scale of the Channel EQ graphic display to a linear value.
Warped: Set the Linear Phase EQ graphic display to a logarithmic, non-linear scale.
Visualize Master Gain: Turn on to view an overlay on the Linear Phase EQ graphic display which shows the overall EQ curve when adjusted by the Master Gain parameter.
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