You copy automation points with the Copy Mode button selected by dragging them on the track lane; you can also use standard copy-and-paste procedures. The copy/paste action places the automation points on the Clipboard, and you can paste them to multiple places on the same track or other tracks even if you are not in Automation view.
With an external keyboard, you can use the standard keyboard shortcuts Command-C for copy and Command-V for paste.
In addition, you can copy track automation to a new track when duplicating tracks.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Tap the Copy Mode button to select it, then touch and hold one of the selected automation points or line segments and drag the selection left or right on the track lane.
The selected automation is copied, overwriting any existing automation points at the new position. A vertical line through the automation point that extends to the ruler helps with positioning. The current Snap value applies.
Repeat from step 3 if you want to copy more automation points, or tap the Copy Mode button to turn it off if you are done.
When you copy an automation point or a segment of the automation curve, you can also move the selection vertically to change its values proportionally.
Tip: Touch and hold the Copy Mode button , or press and hold the Option key on your external keyboard to engage momentary mode (the button is selected). Drag the automation points to copy them, and when you release the button or the key, the Copy Mode button is deselected again.
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Tap the Move button in one of the two areas.
Select the automation points you want to copy and, therefore, the section of the automation curve.
Tap one of the selected automation points to open its menu, then choose Copy (or press Command-C on your external keyboard).
The selected automation is copied to the Clipboard.
Tap the ruler to place the playhead at the position to where you want to copy the automation.
On the track lane where you want to paste the automation (on either the same track or a different track), tap the area outside the automation curve once to deselect the automation points, then tap again and choose Paste from the pop-up menu (or press Command-V on your external keyboard).
The automation curve that was copied is placed at the playhead position, with the first automation point aligned to the playhead position. Any existing automation points are overwritten, and a gray strip in the ruler indicates the affected range.
In the Tracks area, tap the track icon of a track to select it.
Touch and hold the Duplicate Track button above the track headers to open its menu, then choose Duplicate Track with Content.
The selected track is copied, including all its track automation. Any region automation contained in any regions on that track is also carried over.