Channel strip types in Logic Pro for iPad
The Mixer shows the channel strips in your project. When you create a project, the Mixer includes channel strips for audio and software instrument tracks in the project, as well as a stereo output channel strip and a master channel strip. Each time you add a track to a project, Logic Pro adds a corresponding channel strip to the Mixer. When you select a channel strip in the Mixer, the corresponding track is selected in the Tracks area.

Audio channel strips: Used to control the playback and recording of audio signals on audio tracks. All data on the audio track is routed to the audio channel strip.
Instrument channel strips: Used to control software instruments. You insert a software instrument using the Instrument slot. The instrument channel strip can then produce sound from any MIDI regions on the associated track, or from notes you play on a MIDI keyboard.
Auxiliary (aux) channel strips: Used for various signal-routing purposes. Aux channel strips are used to set up send returns, where a channel strip signal is routed to an aux channel strip for effects processing. They are also used for grouping and for distributing a signal to multiple destinations via sends.
Output channel strips: Represent the physical audio outputs of your iPad and any connected audio interface. They are used to adjust the overall level and stereo balance or pan position of the channel strips routed to them. Every project has at minimum one stereo output channel strip and may have additional outputs if an audio interface is connected to your iPad.
Master channel strip: Used as a global volume control for all output channel strips. The master channel strip changes the gain of all output channel strips without affecting their relative levels.
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