Graphically edit Sampler zones and groups in Logic Pro for Mac
You can edit zone and group parameters numerically in the Mapping pane Zone view and Group view. You can also graphically edit a number of zone and group parameters in the Key Mapping Editor and the Zone pane.
Within each group mapping area (notes and velocities), zones can’t overlap. When you force an overlap by dragging zones one above the other within the same group, the Key Mapping Editor automatically cuts zones in order to make space for other zones. This allows you to add zones or delete mapped areas without having to edit all affected zones directly. You can protect either the selected or unselected zones when dragging zones.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Key Mapping Editor:
Drag the zone to the target Key Mapping Editor position.
Shift-click or drag (from an empty area outside any zone) to select multiple zones, and drag them to the target Key Mapping Editor position.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Key Mapping Editor:
Select one or more zones, then use one of the following key commands:
Drag the start or end point of the zone or group to the target position.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Key Mapping Editor:
Move the pointer to the top or bottom of a zone (the pointer changes to the resize icon).
Shift-click to select multiple zones if you want to simultaneously adjust their velocity range.
Drag the resize icon upward to raise the value, or downward to reduce the value.
If you drag over (overlap) another zone assigned to the same key range in the group, its velocity range will be resized. If you want to layer zones, use different groups.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Key Mapping Editor:
Select a zone.
Press and hold Command-Option to display a vertical cut icon at the pointer position, then click the zone.
The zone is divided vertically and a new zone is created. Each zone can be independently edited.
In the Logic Pro Sampler Key Mapping Editor:
Select a zone.
Press and hold Shift-Option to display a horizontal cut icon at the pointer position, then click the zone.
The zone is divided horizontally and a new zone is created. Each zone can be independently edited.