ဤထိန်းချုပ်မှုကို ပြင်ဆင်ခြင်းဖြင့် ဤစာမျက်နှာကို အလိုအလျောက် အပ်ဒိတ်လုပ်ပေးပါမည်
The Project Audio Browser lists all audio files in your project, along with information about file sampling rate, bit depth, format (mono/stereo), and size. Within the Project Audio Browser, you can sort, group, and rename your audio files.
In Logic Pro, choose View > Show File Info from the Project Audio Browser menu bar.
In the Logic Pro Project Audio Browser, sort audio files using the following options in the View > Files menu:
None: Sorts the audio files in the order they were loaded or recorded.
Name: Sorts the audio files in alphabetical order.
Size: Sorts the audio files by size, with larger files at the top of the list.
Drive: Sorts the audio files by storage medium.
Bit Depth: Sorts the audio files by bit depth, in decreasing order.
File Type: Sorts the audio files by file type.
In the Logic Pro Project Audio Browser, do one of the following:
Select the files you want to group, choose View > Create Group, enter a name in the Name field, then press Enter.
Select the files you want to group, then choose one of the following from View > Group Files by:
Location: Creates groups that are alphabetically sorted by the names of the parent folders of selected files. Folder names are automatically used as group names.
File Attributes: Creates groups based on the attributes of selected files (file type, stereo/mono, bit depth). Group names are displayed as a summary of the file attributes—16 bit Mono AIFF, for example).
Selection in Tracks: Creates groups based on regions selected in the Tracks area. Group names are based on the first of the selected regions.
In the Logic Pro Project Audio Browser, select a group, then choose View > Delete Selected Groups (or press Delete).
The audio files of deleted groups reappear at the top of the list in the Project Audio Browser.
In the Logic Pro Project Audio Browser, double-click a filename in the list, enter a new name in the Name field, then press Return.
The audio file is renamed in all currently opened projects that use the file. Any backup files on the same disk drive are also renamed.