Create Scripter MIDI plug-in controls in Logic Pro for Mac
The following section outlines how you can use the Script Editor to create standard interface controllers such as sliders and menus for your Scripter plug-ins. The only mandatory property you have to define for a new parameter is “name”. This defaults to a basic slider. In addition, you can use further properties to change the type and behavior of controls.
Load the corresponding Tutorial setting to view the script in the Script Editor. This will help you to understand the syntax structure and layout of code and comments. See Use the Script Editor.
Optional properties
type: Type one of the following strings as the value:
“lin”: Creates a linear fader.
“log”: Creates a logarithmic fader.
“momentary”: Creates a momentary button.
“menu”: Creates a menu.
The menu type requires an additional valueStrings property that is an array of strings to show in the menu. See Tutorial script 13.
defaultValue: Type an integer or floating point number to set a default value. If no value is typed, the default is 0.0.
minValue: Type an integer or floating point number to set a minimum value. If no value is typed, the default is 0.0.
maxValue: Type an integer or floating point number to set a maximum value. If no value is typed, the default is 1.0.
numberOfSteps: Type an integer number to define the number of steps.
unit: Type a string to present a unit description in the plug-in controls. If no value is typed, the default behavior is to display no unit.
text: Type text to create a divider or header in the plug-in UI.