Create Sampler instruments from Logic Pro for Mac audio regions
In Logic Pro, you can convert one or more audio regions to sampler instruments with the Convert Regions to New Sampler Track function (default key command: Control-E).
All selected regions are sequentially mapped—in accordance with their timeline positions—to the specified key range, starting with the lowest note.
In the case of a single selected region, slices of the audio are sequentially mapped—in accordance with analyzed transient positions—across the key range, starting with the first transient.
This operation also creates a new track and MIDI region.
When you convert multiple audio regions, the MIDI region contains automatically created trigger notes that match the time positions of the source audio regions. You can reposition or edit these trigger notes in the Piano Roll Editor.
When you convert a single audio region, the MIDI region contains automatically created trigger notes that match analyzed transient positions in the source audio region. You can reposition or edit these trigger notes in the Piano Roll Editor. You can also change zone parameters in the Sampler Mapping and Zone panes.
Convert audio regions to sampler instruments and tracks
In the main window, select the audio regions you want to convert.
Control-click any selected region, then choose Convert > Convert to new Sampler Track (or use the default key command: Control-E).
In the dialog, choose Create Zones From Regions or Create Zones From Transient Markers.
In the Instrument Name field, enter your text.
Set the trigger note range in one of the following ways:
Play a low key on your MIDI keyboard to set the low note of the trigger range. Play a second key to set the top note of the trigger range.
Choose a low and high note from the Trigger Note Range pop-up menus.
Click OK to create a new sampler instrument and track, or click Cancel if you change your mind.