Overview of arrangement markers in Logic Pro for Mac
You can add arrangement markers to a project to create different sections, such as an intro, verse, and chorus, and then move the sections in the Tracks area to quickly rearrange the project. Arrangement markers can be particularly useful when you have added some material (recordings, loops, or media files) to the project and want to try out different arrangements.
You add and edit arrangement markers in the arrangement track, which appears at the top of the Tracks area. The first arrangement marker begins at the start of the project. Each additional arrangement marker you add starts at the end of the previous one, with no space between them. Arrangement markers are most useful if you add them to every section of the project so that you can rearrange the entire project.
Note: If you add arrangement markers to a project, then add a software instrument track with Session Player as the default region type, Session Player regions for each arrangement marker are added, with the length and name of the regions corresponding to the markers.
Show the arrangement track
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose Track > Global Tracks > Show Global Tracks, or use the Show/Hide Global Tracks key command (G).
Click the Global Tracks button