You can add chords to a Logic Pro project, both on the Chord track and on Session Player regions. All the Session Players in the project can follow the chords on the Chord track, playing harmonically in sync with each other, or they can follow their individual region chords.
When you add a chord either to the Chord track or to a Session Player region, by default the chord is based on the tonic of the key and has the chord type (major or minor) corresponding to the key. For this reason, it is recommended that you set the key (or add a key signature change) before adding chords. See Time and key signature overview. You can also analyze a range of chords to determine the key signature and have Logic Pro add the results to the Signature track.
After you add a chord, you can choose a chord progression to use instead of a single chord.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Place the playhead at the position where you want to add a chord, then click the Add Chord button in the Chord track header.
Place the pointer at the position where you want to add a chord, Control-click the Chord track, then choose Create Chord.
Click with the Pencil tool at the position where you want to add the chord.
An eight-bar chord based on the tonic of the key appears on the Chord track. If another chord exists within the eight-bar range, the new chord fills the amount of time until the start of the existing chord.
To replace the chord with a chord progression, Control-click the chord, choose Chord Progressions from the shortcut menu, then choose a progression from the submenu.
After adding the initial eight-bar chord, you can create a chord at the start of each bar (starting from the second bar) by pressing the Tab key on your computer keyboard for each chord, then entering the chord information in the Edit Chord window. If you do not enter a different chord, the existing chord is extended.
Creating chords with the Tab key follows the Snap setting, unless Snap is set to Smart, in which case it creates a chord at each bar.
When you add a chord to the Chord track using the Create Chord command, the chord is added at the downbeat, unless the “Use musical grid” checkbox in General project settings is deselected. In this case, the chord is added at the nearest frame.
In Logic Pro, select a Session Player region in the Tracks area.
In the Session Player Editor, do one of the following:
Control-click the region, then choose Create Chord from the shortcut menu.
Click with the Pencil tool at the position where you want to add the chord.
The region chord appears in the Session Player Editor.
To replace the chord with a chord progression, Control-click the chord, choose Chord Progressions from the shortcut menu, then choose a progression from the submenu.
After adding the initial eight-bar chord, you can create a chord at the start of each bar (starting from the second bar) by pressing the Tab key on your computer keyboard for each chord, then entering the chord information in the Edit Chord window. If you do not enter a different chord, the existing chord is extended.
You can delete a chord, either on the Chord track or on a Session Player region, if you no longer need it.
In Logic Pro, select the chord, then do one of the following:
Choose Edit > Delete.
Press Delete.
Control-click the chord, then choose Delete from the shortcut menu.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Select the region in the Session Player Editor, then choose Chords > Delete All Region Chords.
Control-click the region in the Tracks area, then choose Chords > Delete Region Chords.
Note: When you delete the last chord on the region, the region plays the chords on the Chord track until you add region chords again.