Overview of arranging in Logic Pro for Mac
After adding audio, MIDI, Session Player, and pattern regions to your project (by recording, adding loops, using Session Players, or adding media files), you build the project by arranging the regions in the Tracks area. As you work in the Tracks area, you can play the project at any time to hear your latest changes.
In the Tracks area, you can do any of the following:
Arrange regions in a variety of ways
Use chords on the global Chord track and on Session Player regions to control the harmonic content of Session Player performances in a project.
Create and edit fades, and create automatic crossfades on audio regions
Remove silent passages from audio files
Use folders to manage groups of tracks as a single unit
Use groove templates to apply the rhythmic feel of a region to other audio or MIDI regions
Edit region parameters in the Region inspector to control the sound of both audio and MIDI regions
You can also add arrangement markers to a project, and use them to organize the project into sections. For information about using arrangement markers, see Add arrangement markers and Edit arrangement markers.